Fennec is a browser based on the latest Firefox release (codenamed Fenix). It provides improved tracking protection against various trackers and moreover has proprietary bits and telemetry removed. Still it connects to various Mozilla and Google services that can track users.
As Fennec is definetly not perfect on its own, you should increase your privacy yourself with some adaptions.
- check the settings of the browser, especially the location settings.
- you might choose another search engine.
- switch off the search suggestions.
- you might install FWall+ (more informations [here](https://www.kuketz-blog.de/afwall-digitaler-tuervorsteher-take-back-control-teil4/))
- [here](https://www.kuketz-blog.de/mozilla-firefox-datensendeverhalten-desktop-version-browser-check-teil20/) you can find more informations about the data that firefox sends.