# Installation issues (Fairphone) ## If OEM-unlock code doesn't work on your Fairphone If you get the message "Password verification failed" on your phone after entering the correct unlock code: Your current Android version might be out of date, please update. For additional information see the [Fairphone Forum](https://forum.fairphone.com/t/bootloader-unlocking-code-for-fairphone-3-not-working/66685/6) ## If "5. Install LinegaeOS recovery image" does not work You can try `fastboot flash boot_a ` or `fastboot flash boot_b `. The `boot_a` is the name of our recovery boot partition. If your FP was rooted several times this my result in a non factory partition name. With `fastboot getvar current-slot` you can find out whether your suffix should be `_a` or `_b`. Find more possible names in this [thread](https://forum.fairphone.com/t/find-out-boot-partitions-name/)77171