repl now works

jem 4 years ago
parent f5fcc142ae
commit 0ae68af441

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ If you get a [permission failure](
with later timestamps to avoid duplicate posts. On the first run the timestamp will default to current time.
{;; add Twitter config to mirror Twitter accounts
:twitter {:access-keys
{:consumer_key "XXXX"
@ -51,37 +52,39 @@ with later timestamps to avoid duplicate posts. On the first run the timestamp w
;; add RSS config to follow feeds
:rss {"Hacker News" ""
"r/Clojure" ""}
:mastodon {:access_token "XXXX"
;; account number you see when you log in and go to your profile
;; e.g:
:account-id "XXXX"
:api_url ""
;; optional boolean to mark content as sensitive
:sensitive? true
;; optional boolean defaults to false
;; only sources containing media will be posted when set to true
:media-only? true
;; optional visibility flag: direct, private, unlisted, public
;; defaults to public
:visibility "unlisted"
;; optional limit for the post length
:max-post-length 300
;; optional flag specifying wether the name of the account
;; will be appended in the post, defaults to false
:append-screen-name? false
;; optional signature for posts
:signature "#newsbot"
;; optionally try to resolve URLs in posts to skip URL shorteners
;; defaults to false
:resolve-urls? true
;; optional content filter regexes
;; any posts matching the regexes will be filtered out
:content-filters [".*bannedsite.*"]
;; optional keyword filter regexes
;; any posts not matching the regexes will be filtered out
:keyword-filters [".*clojure.*"]
;; Replace Twitter links by Nitter
:nitter-urls? false}}
{:access_token "XXXX"
;; account number you see when you log in and go to your profile
;; e.g:
:account-id "XXXX"
:api_url ""
;; optional boolean to mark content as sensitive
:sensitive? true
;; optional boolean defaults to false
;; only sources containing media will be posted when set to true
:media-only? true
;; optional visibility flag: direct, private, unlisted, public
;; defaults to public
:visibility "unlisted"
;; optional limit for the post length
:max-post-length 300
;; optional flag specifying wether the name of the account
;; will be appended in the post, defaults to false
:append-screen-name? false
;; optional signature for posts
:signature "#newsbot"
;; optionally try to resolve URLs in posts to skip URL shorteners
;; defaults to false
:resolve-urls? true
;; optional content filter regexes
;; any posts matching the regexes will be filtered out
:content-filters [".*bannedsite.*"]
;; optional keyword filter regexes
;; any posts not matching the regexes will be filtered out
:keyword-filters [".*clojure.*"]
;; Replace Twitter links by Nitter
:nitter-urls? false}}
* the bot looks for `config.edn` at its relative path by default, an alternative location can be specified either using the `MASTODON_BOT_CONFIG` environment variable or passing the path to config as an argument

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{:source-paths ["src/main"
:dependencies [[orchestra "2018.12.06-2"]]
:builds {:dev {:target :node-script
:repl-init-ns mastodon-bot.core
:output-to "target/mastodon-bot.js"
:main mastodon-bot.core/dummy
:repl-pprint true}
:builds {:dev {:target :node-library
:output-to "target/lib-mastodon-bot.js"
:exports {:infra mastodon-bot.infra/js->edn}
:repl-pprint true
:app {:target :node-script
:output-to "target/mastodon-bot.js"
:main mastodon-bot.core/main

@ -15,9 +15,12 @@
[mastodon-bot.infra :as infra]
[mastodon-bot.mastodon-api :as masto]))
(defn dummy [])
(s/def ::mastodon-config masto/mastodon-config?)
(s/def ::twitter map?)
(s/def ::tumblr map?)
(s/def ::rss map?)
(def config? (s/keys :req [::mastodon-config]
:opt [::twitter ::tumblr ::rss]))
;this has to stay on top - only ns-keywords can be uses in spec
(defn-spec mastodon-config ::mastodon-config
@ -135,7 +138,7 @@
(fn [timeline]
(let [last-post-time (-> timeline first :created_at (js/Date.))]
;;post from Twitter
(when-let [twitter-config (:twitter config)]
(when-let [twitter-config (::twitter config)]
(let [{:keys [access-keys accounts include-replies? include-rts?]} twitter-config
client (twitter-client access-keys)]
(doseq [account accounts]

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
(s/def ::content-filters (s/* ::content-filter))
(s/def ::keyword-filters (s/* ::keyword-filter))
(s/def ::mastodon-js-config (s/keys :req [::access_token ::a:pi_url]))
(s/def ::mastodon-js-config (s/keys :req [::access_token ::api_url]))
(s/def ::mastodon-clj-config (s/keys :req [::account-id ::content-filters ::keyword-filters
::max-post-length ::signature ::visibility
::append-screen-name? ::sensitive? ::resolve-urls?