start refactoring for twitter

jem 4 years ago
parent 9e701382d8
commit bcf1e8a30a

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
[clojure.string :as string]
["rss-parser" :as rss]
["tumblr" :as tumblr]
["twitter" :as twitter]
[mastodon-bot.infra :as infra]
[mastodon-bot.mastodon-api :as masto]))
[mastodon-bot.mastodon-api :as masto]
[mastodon-bot.twitter-api :as tw]))
(s/def ::mastodon-config masto/mastodon-config?)
(s/def ::twitter map?)
(s/def ::twitter tw/twitter-config?)
(s/def ::tumblr map?)
(s/def ::rss map?)
@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
[config config?]
(:mastodon-config config))
(defn-spec twitter-config ::twitter
[config config?]
(:twitter config))
(def config (infra/load-config))
(defn trim-text [text]
@ -96,9 +100,6 @@
(mastodon-config config)
(defn strip-utm [news-link]
(first (string/split news-link #"\?utm")))
(defn parse-feed [last-post-time parser [title url]]
(-> (.parseURL parser url)
(.then #(masto/post-items
@ -106,14 +107,7 @@
(for [{:keys [title isoDate pubDate content link]} (-> % infra/js->edn :items)]
{:created-at (js/Date. (or isoDate pubDate))
:text (str (trim-text title) "\n\n" (strip-utm link))})))))
(defn twitter-client [access-keys]
(twitter. (clj->js access-keys))
(catch js/Error e
(str "failed to connect to Twitter: " (.-message e))))))
:text (str (trim-text title) "\n\n" (tw/strip-utm link))})))))
(defn tumblr-client [access-keys account]
@ -129,15 +123,11 @@
(let [last-post-time (-> timeline first :created_at (js/Date.))]
;;post from Twitter
(when-let [twitter-config (:twitter config)]
(let [{:keys [access-keys accounts include-replies? include-rts?]} twitter-config
client (twitter-client access-keys)]
(let [{:keys [accounts]} twitter-config]
(doseq [account accounts]
(.get client
#js {:screen_name account
:tweet_mode "extended"
:include_rts (boolean include-rts?)
:exclude_replies (not (boolean include-replies?))}
(post-tweets last-post-time)))))
;;post from Tumblr
(when-let [{:keys [access-keys accounts limit]} (:tumblr config)]

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
(ns mastodon-bot.twitter-api
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as st]
[orchestra.core :refer-macros [defn-spec]]
[clojure.string :as string]
["twitter" :as twitter]
[mastodon-bot.infra :as infra]
(s/def ::consumer_key string?)
(s/def ::consumer_secret string?)
(s/def ::access_token_key string?)
(s/def ::access_token_secret string?)
(s/def ::access-keys (s/keys :req-un [::consumer_key ::consumer_secret ::access_token_key
(s/def ::include-rts? boolean?)
(s/def ::include-replies? boolean?)
(s/def ::account string?)
(s/def ::accounts (s/* ::account))
(def twitter-config? (s/keys :req-un [::access-keys ::include-rts? ::include-replies?]))
(defn strip-utm [news-link]
(first (string/split news-link #"\?utm")))
(defn-spec twitter-client any?
[twitter-config twitter-config?]
(let [{:keys [access-keys]} twitter-config]
(twitter. (clj->js access-keys))
(catch js/Error e
(str "failed to connect to Twitter: " (.-message e)))))))
(defn-spec user-timeline any?
[twitter-config twitter-config?
account ::account
callback fn?]
(let [{:keys [include-rts? include-replies?]} twitter-config]
(.get (twitter-client twitter-config)
#js {:screen_name account
:tweet_mode "extended"
:include_rts (boolean include-rts?)
:exclude_replies (not (boolean include-replies?))}