### description the bot will post the timeline from the specified Twitter/Tumblr accounts and RSS feeds to Mastodon ### installation 1. install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) 2. run `npm install` to install Node modules 3. run `npm start` to, well, start If you wish to run the script directly, you will need to have [Lumo](https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo) available on the shell path. Lumo can be installed globally via NPM by running: npm install -g lumo-cljs If you get a [permission failure](https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo/issues/206), try this: npm install -g lumo-cljs --unsafe-perm ### usage * create a Mastodon API key following the instructions [here](https://tinysubversions.com/notes/mastodon-bot/) * create a Twitter API key follwing the instructions [here](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/access-tokens) * create a Tumblr API key following the instructions [here](http://www.developerdrive.com/2014/05/how-to-get-started-with-the-tumblr-api-part-1/) * create a file called `config.edn` with the following contents: ```clojure {;; add Twitter config to mirror Twitter accounts :twitter {:access-keys {:consumer_key "XXXX" :consumer_secret "XXXX" :access_token_key "XXXX" :access_token_secret "XXXX"} ;; optional, defaults to false :include-replies? false ;; optional, defaults to false :include-rts? false ;; accounts you wish to mirror :accounts ["arstechnica" "WIRED"]} ;; add Tumblr config to mirror Tumblr accounts :tumblr {:access-keys {:consumer_key "XXXX" :consumer_secret "XXXX" :token "XXXX" :token_secret "XXXX"} ;; optional limit for number of posts to retrieve, default: 5 :limit 10 :accounts ["cyberpunky.tumblr.com" "scipunk.tumblr.com"]} ;; add RSS config to follow feeds :rss {"Hacker News" "https://hnrss.org/newest" "r/Clojure" "https://www.reddit.com/r/clojure/.rss"} :mastodon {:access_token "XXXX" :api_url "https://botsin.space/api/v1/" ;; optional boolean to makr content as sensitive :sensitive true ;; optional visibility flag: direct, private, unlisted, public ;; defaults to public :visibility "unlisted" ;; optional limit for the post length :max-post-length 300 ;; optional flag specifying wether the name of the account ;; will be appended in the post, defaults to false :append-screen-name? false ;; optional signature for posts :signature "#newsbot" ;; optionally try to resolve URLs in posts to skip URL shorteners ;; defaults to false :resolve-urls? true ;; optional content filter regexes ;; any posts matching the regexes will be filtered out :content-filters [".*bannedsite.*"]}} ``` * the bot looks for `config.edn` at its relative path by default, an alternative location can be specified either using the `MASTODON_BOT_CONFIG` environment variable or passing the path to config as an argument * run the bot: `./mastodon-bot.cljs` * to poll at intervals setup a cron job such as: */30 * * * * mastodon-bot.cljs /path/to/config.edn > /dev/null 2>&1 ## License Copyright © 2018 Dmitri Sotnikov Distributed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).