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(ns mastodon-bot.mastodon-api
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as st]
[orchestra.core :refer-macros [defn-spec]]
[cljs.reader :as edn]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[mastodon-bot.infra :as infra]
["mastodon-api" :as mastodon]))
; Todo: think about how namespaced keywords & clj->js can play nicely together
(s/def :access_token string?)
(s/def :account-id string?)
(s/def :api_url string?)
(s/def ::mastodon-config (s/keys :req [:access_token :account-id :access_token]))
(defn-spec mastodon-config ::mastodon-config
[config any?]
(:mastodon config))
(defn-spec mastodon-client any?
[mastodon-config ::mastodon-config]
(or (some-> mastodon-config clj->js mastodon.)
(infra/exit-with-error "missing Mastodon client configuration!")))
(def content-filter-regexes (mapv re-pattern (:content-filters mastodon-config)))
(def keyword-filter-regexes (mapv re-pattern (:keyword-filters mastodon-config)))
(def append-screen-name? (boolean (:append-screen-name? mastodon-config)))
(def max-post-length (:max-post-length mastodon-config))
(defn blocked-content? [text]
(or (some #(re-find % text) content-filter-regexes)
(when (not-empty keyword-filter-regexes)
(empty? (some #(re-find % text) keyword-filter-regexes))))))
(defn delete-status [status]
(.delete mastodon-client (str "statuses/" status) #js {}))
(defn set-signature [text]
(if-let [signature (:signature mastodon-config )]
(str text "\n" signature)
(defn post-status
(post-status status-text nil))
([status-text media-ids]
(let [{:keys [sensitive? signature visibility]} mastodon-config]
(.post mastodon-client "statuses"
(clj->js (merge {:status (-> status-text resolve-urls set-signature)}
(when media-ids {:media_ids media-ids})
(when sensitive? {:sensitive sensitive?})
(when visibility {:visibility visibility})))))))
(defn post-image [image-stream description callback]
(-> (.post mastodon-client "media" #js {:file image-stream :description description})
(.then #(-> % .-data .-id callback))))
(defn post-status-with-images
([status-text urls]
(post-status-with-images status-text urls []))
([status-text [url & urls] ids]
(if url
(-> request
(.get url)
(.on "response"
(fn [image-stream]
(post-image image-stream status-text #(post-status-with-images status-text urls (conj ids %))))))
(post-status status-text (not-empty ids)))))
(defn get-mastodon-timeline [callback]
(.then (.get mastodon-client (str "accounts/" (:account-id mastodon-config)"/statuses") #js {})
#(let [response (-> % .-data js->edn)]
(if-let [error (:error response)]
(exit-with-error error)
(callback response)))))
(defn perform-replacements [post]
(assoc post :text (reduce-kv string/replace (:text post) (:replacements mastodon-config)))
(defn post-items [last-post-time items]
(doseq [{:keys [text media-links]} (->> items
(remove #(blocked-content? (:text %)))
(filter #(> (:created-at %) last-post-time))
(map perform-replacements))]
(if media-links
(post-status-with-images text media-links)
(when-not (:media-only? mastodon-config)
(post-status text)))))