Previous last-post-time was taken from the Home timeline which consist of toots of followed people. This fix takes the time of the last toot of the targeted account
221 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable file
221 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env lumo
(ns mastodon-bot.core
[cljs.core :refer [*command-line-args*]]
[cljs.reader :as edn]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[clojure.string :as string]
["deasync" :as deasync]
["request" :as request]
["fs" :as fs]
["mastodon-api" :as mastodon]
["rss-parser" :as rss]
["tumblr" :as tumblr]
["twitter" :as twitter]))
(defn exit-with-error [error]
(js/console.error error)
(js/process.exit 1))
(defn find-config []
(or (first *command-line-args*)
(-> js/process .-env .-MASTODON_BOT_CONFIG)
(def config (-> (find-config) (fs/readFileSync #js {:encoding "UTF-8"}) edn/read-string))
(def mastodon-config (:mastodon config))
(def mastodon-client (or (some-> mastodon-config clj->js mastodon.)
(exit-with-error "missing Mastodon client configuration!")))
(def content-filter-regexes (mapv re-pattern (:content-filters mastodon-config)))
(def keyword-filter-regexes (mapv re-pattern (:keyword-filters mastodon-config)))
(def append-screen-name? (boolean (:append-screen-name? mastodon-config)))
(def max-post-length (:max-post-length mastodon-config))
(defn blocked-content? [text]
(or (some #(re-find % text) content-filter-regexes)
(when (not-empty keyword-filter-regexes)
(empty? (some #(re-find % text) keyword-filter-regexes))))))
(defn js->edn [data]
(js->clj data :keywordize-keys true))
(defn trim-text [text]
(nil? max-post-length)
(> (count text) max-post-length)
(fn [text word]
(if (> (+ (count text) (count word)) (- max-post-length 3))
(reduced (str text "..."))
(str text " " word)))
(clojure.string/split text #" "))
:else text))
(defn delete-status [status]
(.delete mastodon-client (str "statuses/" status) #js {}))
(defn resolve-url [[uri]]
(some-> ((deasync request)
#js {:method "GET"
:uri (if (string/starts-with? uri "https://") uri (str "https://" uri))
:followRedirect false})
(string/replace "?mbid=social_twitter" ""))
(catch js/Error _ uri)))
(def shortened-url-pattern #"(https?://)?(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!(?:10|127)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!(?:169\.254|192\.168)(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,}))\.?)(?::\d{2,5})?(?:[/?#]\S*)?")
(defn resolve-urls [text]
(if (:resolve-urls? mastodon-config)
(string/replace text shortened-url-pattern resolve-url)
(defn set-signature [text]
(if-let [signature (:signature mastodon-config )]
(str text "\n" signature)
(defn post-status
(post-status status-text nil))
([status-text media-ids]
(let [{:keys [sensitive? signature visibility]} mastodon-config]
(.post mastodon-client "statuses"
(clj->js (merge {:status (-> status-text resolve-urls set-signature)}
(when media-ids {:media_ids media-ids})
(when sensitive? {:sensitive sensitive?})
(when visibility {:visibility visibility})))))))
(defn post-image [image-stream description callback]
(-> (.post mastodon-client "media" #js {:file image-stream :description description})
(.then #(-> % .-data .-id callback))))
(defn post-status-with-images
([status-text urls]
(post-status-with-images status-text urls []))
([status-text [url & urls] ids]
(if url
(-> request
(.get url)
(.on "response"
(fn [image-stream]
(post-image image-stream status-text #(post-status-with-images status-text urls (conj ids %))))))
(post-status status-text (not-empty ids)))))
(defn get-mastodon-timeline [callback]
(.then (.get mastodon-client (string/join "" ["accounts/" (:account-id mastodon-config) "/statuses"]) #js {})
#(let [response (-> % .-data js->edn)]
(if-let [error (:error response)]
(exit-with-error error)
(callback response)))))
(defn post-items [last-post-time items]
(doseq [{:keys [text media-links]} (->> items
(remove #(blocked-content? (:text %)))
(filter #(> (:created-at %) last-post-time)))]
(if media-links
(post-status-with-images text media-links)
(when-not (:media-only? mastodon-config)
(post-status text)))))
(defn parse-tweet [{created-at :created_at
text :full_text
{:keys [media]} :extended_entities
{:keys [screen_name]} :user :as tweet}]
{:created-at (js/Date. created-at)
:text (trim-text (if append-screen-name? (str text "\n - " screen_name) text))
:media-links (keep #(when (= (:type %) "photo") (:media_url_https %)) media)})
(defmulti parse-tumblr-post :type)
(defmethod parse-tumblr-post "text" [{:keys [body date short_url]}]
{:created-at (js/Date. date)
:text (str (trim-text body) "\n\n" short_url)})
(defmethod parse-tumblr-post "photo" [{:keys [caption date photos short_url] :as post}]
{:created-at (js/Date. date)
:text (string/join "\n" [(string/replace caption #"<[^>]*>" "") short_url])
:media-links (mapv #(-> % :original_size :url) photos)})
(defmethod parse-tumblr-post :default [post])
(defn post-tumblrs [last-post-time]
(fn [err response]
(->> response
(mapv parse-tumblr-post)
(post-items last-post-time))))
(defn post-tweets [last-post-time]
(fn [error tweets response]
(->> (js->edn tweets)
(map parse-tweet)
(post-items last-post-time))))
(defn strip-utm [news-link]
(first (string/split news-link #"\?utm")))
(defn parse-feed [last-post-time parser [title url]]
(-> (.parseURL parser url)
(.then #(post-items
(for [{:keys [title isoDate pubDate content link]} (-> % js->edn :items)]
{:created-at (js/Date. (or isoDate pubDate))
:text (str (trim-text title) "\n\n" (strip-utm link))})))))
(defn twitter-client [access-keys]
(twitter. (clj->js access-keys))
(catch js/Error e
(str "failed to connect to Twitter: " (.-message e))))))
(defn tumblr-client [access-keys account]
(tumblr/Blog. account (clj->js access-keys))
(catch js/Error e
(str "failed to connect to Tumblr account " account ": " (.-message e))))))
(fn [timeline]
(let [last-post-time (-> timeline first :created_at (js/Date.))]
;;post from Twitter
(when-let [twitter-config (:twitter config)]
(let [{:keys [access-keys accounts include-replies? include-rts?]} twitter-config
client (twitter-client access-keys)]
(doseq [account accounts]
(.get client
#js {:screen_name account
:tweet_mode "extended"
:include_rts (boolean include-rts?)
:exclude_replies (not (boolean include-replies?))}
(post-tweets last-post-time)))))
;;post from Tumblr
(when-let [{:keys [access-keys accounts limit tumblr-oauth]} (:tumblr config)]
(doseq [account accounts]
(let [client (tumblr-client access-keys account)]
(.posts client #js {:limit (or limit 5)} (post-tumblrs last-post-time)))))
;;post from RSS
(when-let [feeds (some-> config :rss)]
(let [parser (rss.)]
(doseq [feed feeds]
(parse-feed last-post-time parser feed)))))))