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skinparam sequenceBox {
borderColor White
participant User
User -> Application ++ : main(args...)
Application -> CliArgumentsParser : create
CliArgumentsParser -> ArgParser : subcommands
Application -> CliArgumentsParser : parseCommand
CliArgumentsParser -> ArgParser : super.parse
CliArgumentsParser -> CliTargetCommand : create()
CliTargetCommand -> CliTargetCommand : parseRemoteTarget
alt passwordInteractive == true
CliTargetCommand -> PromptSecretSource : prompt-for-password
CliArgumentsParser -> DesktopCliCommand : create(desktopType, cliTargetCmd, ...)
CliArgumentsParser --> Application: desktopCliCommand
Application -> DesktopCliCommand : isValid ?
Application -> CliUtils : createProvInstance
alt target.isValidLocal
CliUtils -> CliUtils : createLocalProv
else target.isValidRemote
CliUtils -> CliUtils : createRemote
Application -> DesktopService1 : provisionDesktopCommand ( provInstance, desktopCliCommand )
DesktopService1 -> DesktopService2 : provisionDesktop( config )
DesktopService1 -> ConfigRepository : getConfig