diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/org/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/framework/ubuntu/scheduledjobs/domain/ScheduledJobs.kt b/src/main/kotlin/org/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/framework/ubuntu/scheduledjobs/domain/ScheduledJobs.kt
index ef42da4..bf37848 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/org/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/framework/ubuntu/scheduledjobs/domain/ScheduledJobs.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/org/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/framework/ubuntu/scheduledjobs/domain/ScheduledJobs.kt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.scheduledjobs.infrast
 fun Prov.scheduleMonthlyReboot() = task {
     // reboot each first Tuesday a month - see also https://blog.healthchecks.io/2022/09/schedule-cron-job-the-funky-way/
     // Day of month field "*/100,1-7" means “every 100 days starting from date 1, and also on dates 1-7”.
-    // Since there are no months with 100 days, this means “on dates 1 to 7” that are also (in this case) Tuesdays, which is exactly each first Tuesday in a month..
+    // Since there are no months with 100 days, this means “on dates 1 to 7” that are also (in this case) Tuesdays, which is exactly each first Tuesday in a month.
     val schedule = "0 2 */100,1-7 * TUE"
     createCronJob("50_monthly_reboot", schedule, "/sbin/shutdown", "-r now", "root")