# provs [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/-/commits/master) [DeltaChat chat over e-mail](mailto:buero@meissa-gmbh.de?subject=community-chat) | [team@social.meissa-gmbh.de team@social.meissa-gmbh.de](https://social.meissa-gmbh.de/@team) | [Website & Blog](https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org) ## Purpose provs provides cli-based tools for * provisioning a desktop (various kinds) * provisioning a k3s server * performing system checks Tasks can be run locally or remotely. ## Status under development - we are working hard on setting up our environments using provs. ## Try out ### Prerequisites * A **Java Virtual machine** (JVM) is required. * Install `jarwrapper` (e.g. `sudo apt install jarwrapper`) * Then either download the binaries or build them yourself #### Download the binaries * Download the latest `provs-desktop.jar`,`provs-server.jar` and/or `provs-syspec.jar` from: https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/-/releases * Preferably into `/usr/local/bin` or any other folder where executables can be found by the system * Make the jar-file executable e.g. by `chmod +x provs-desktop.jar` #### Build the binaries Instead of downloading the binaries you can build them yourself * Clone this repository * In the repository's root folder execute: `./gradlew install`. This will install the binaries in `/usr/local/bin` ### Provision a desktop After having installed `provs-desktop.jar` (see prerequisites) execute: `provs-desktop.jar []` **type** can be: * basic - install some basic packages) * office - install office software (LibreOffice), E-Mail (Thunderbird), etc * ide - same as office with additionally ide-software (VSCode, IntelliJ, etc) **target** can be: * `local` * `user123:mypassword@myhost.com` - general format is: - * if password is omitted, then ssh-keys will be used for authentication * if password is omitted but option `-p` is provided, then the password will be prompted interactively **options** * `-p` for interactive password question #### Example ```bash provs-desktop.jar basic local # or an office desktop remote: provs-desktop.jar office myuser@myhost.com -p ``` In the second case you'll be prompted for the password of the remote user due to option `-p`. ### Provision a k3s Server ```bash provs-server.jar k3s local # or remote: provs-server.jar k3s myuser@myhost.com # using ssh-authentication - alternatively use option -p for password authentication ``` For the remote server please configure a config file (default file name: server-config.yaml) ```yaml fqdn: "myhostname.com" node: ipv4: "" # ip address echo: true # for demo reasons only - deploys an echo app ``` To add a grafana agent to your k3s installation add the following to the config: ```yaml grafana: user: "myusername" # username for the grafana data source password: source: "PLAIN" # PLAIN, GOPASS or PROMPT parameter: "mypassword" # the password or api key for the grafana data source user cluster: "mycluster" # a cluster name of your choice ``` To provision the grafana agent only to an existing k8s system, ensure that the config (as above) is available and execute: ```bash provs-server.jar k3s myuser@myhost.com -o grafana ``` ### Perform a system check The default config-file for the system check is `syspec-config.yaml`, you can specify a different file with option `-c `. ```bash provs-syspec.jar local # or remote with a custom config filename provs-syspec.jar myuser@myhost.com -c my-syspec-config.yaml ``` ## Get help To get help you can make use of the `-h` option: ```bash provs-desktop.jar -h provs-server.jar -h provs-syspec.jar -h ``` Or to get help for subcommands e.g. ```bash provs-desktop.jar ide -h provs-server.jar k3s -h ```