package io.provs import io.provs.platforms.SHELL import io.provs.platforms.UbuntuProv import io.provs.platforms.WinProv import io.provs.processors.LocalProcessor import io.provs.processors.Processor enum class ResultMode { NONE, LAST, ALL, FAILEXIT } enum class OS { WINDOWS, LINUX } /** * This main class offers methods to execute shell commands either locally or remotely (via ssh) or in a docker * depending on the processor which is passed to the constructor. */ open class Prov protected constructor(private val processor: Processor, val name: String? = null) { companion object Factory { lateinit var prov: Prov fun defaultInstance(platform: String? = null): Prov { return if (::prov.isInitialized) { prov } else { prov = newInstance(platform = platform, name = "default instance") prov } } fun newInstance(processor: Processor = LocalProcessor(), platform: String? = null, name: String? = null): Prov { val os = platform ?: System.getProperty("") return when { os.toUpperCase().contains( -> UbuntuProv(processor, name) os.toUpperCase().contains( -> WinProv(processor, name) else -> throw Exception("OS not supported") } } } private val internalResults = arrayListOf() private var level = 0 private var previousLevel = 0 private var exit = false private var runInContainerWithName: String? = null // task defining functions fun def(a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { return handle(ResultMode.ALL) { a() } } fun requireLast(a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { return handle(ResultMode.LAST) { a() } } fun optional(a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { return handle(ResultMode.NONE) { a() } } fun requireAll(a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { return handle(ResultMode.ALL) { a() } } fun exitOnFailure(a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { return handle(ResultMode.FAILEXIT) { a() } } // todo: add sudo and update test fun inContainer(containerName: String, a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { runInContainerWithName = containerName val res = handle(ResultMode.ALL) { a() } runInContainerWithName = null return res } // execute programs fun xec(vararg s: String): ProvResult { val cmd = runInContainerWithName?.let { cmdInContainer(it, *s) } ?: s val result = processor.x(*cmd) return ProvResult( success = (result.exitCode == 0), cmd = result.argsToString(), out = result.out, err = result.err ) } fun xecNoLog(vararg s: String): ProvResult { val cmd = runInContainerWithName?.let { cmdInContainer(it, *s) } ?: s val result = processor.xNoLog(*cmd) return ProvResult( success = (result.exitCode == 0), cmd = result.argsToString(), out = result.out, err = result.err ) } fun cmdInContainer(containerName: String, vararg args: String): Array { return arrayOf(SHELL, "-c", "sudo docker exec $containerName " + buildCommand(*args)) } private fun buildCommand(vararg args: String) : String { return if (args.size == 1) args[0].escapeAndEncloseByDoubleQuoteForShell() else if (args.size == 3 && SHELL.equals(args[0]) && "-c".equals(args[1])) SHELL + " -c " + args[2].escapeAndEncloseByDoubleQuoteForShell() else args.joinToString(separator = " ") } /** * Execute commands using the shell * Be aware: Executing shell commands that incorporate unsanitized input from an untrusted source * makes a program vulnerable to shell injection, a serious security flaw which can result in arbitrary command execution. * Thus, the use of this method is strongly discouraged in cases where the command string is constructed from external input. */ open fun cmd(cmd: String, dir: String? = null): ProvResult { throw Exception("Not implemented") } /** * Same as method cmd but without logging of the result/output, should be used e.g. if secrets are involved. * Attention: only result is NOT logged the executed command still is. */ open fun cmdNoLog(cmd: String, dir: String? = null): ProvResult { throw Exception("Not implemented") } /** * Same as method cmd but without evaluating the result for the overall success. * Can be used e.g. for checks which might succeed or fail but where failure should not influence overall success */ open fun cmdNoEval(cmd: String, dir: String? = null): ProvResult { throw Exception("Not implemented") } /** * Executes command cmd and returns true in case of success else false. * The success resp. failure does not count into the overall success. */ fun check(cmd: String, dir: String? = null): Boolean { return cmdNoEval(cmd, dir).success } /** * Retrieve a secret by executing the given command. * Returns the result of the command as secret. */ fun getSecret(command: String): Secret? { val result = cmdNoLog(command) addResultToEval(ProvResult(result.success, err = result.err, exception = result.exception, exit = result.exit)) return if (result.success && result.out != null) { addResultToEval(ProvResult(true, getCallingMethodName())) Secret(result.out) } else { addResultToEval(ProvResult(false, getCallingMethodName(), err = result.err, exception = result.exception)) null } } /** * Adds an ProvResult to the overall success evaluation. * Intended for use in methods which do not automatically add results. */ fun addResultToEval(result: ProvResult) = requireAll { result } /** * Executes multiple shell commands. Each command must be in its own line. * Multi-line commands within the script are not supported. * Empty lines and comments (all text behind # in a line) are supported, i.e. they are ignored. */ fun sh(script: String) = def { val lines = script.trimIndent().replace("\r\n", "\n").split("\n") val linesWithoutComments = { it.split("#")[0] } val linesNonEmpty = linesWithoutComments.filter { it.trim().isNotEmpty() } var success = true for (cmd in linesNonEmpty) { if (success) { success = success && cmd(cmd).success } } ProvResult(success) } /** * Provides result handling, e.g. gather results for result summary */ private fun handle(mode: ResultMode, a: Prov.() -> ProvResult): ProvResult { // init if (level == 0) { internalResults.clear() previousLevel = -1 exit = false ProgressBar.init() } // pre-handling val resultIndex = internalResults.size val method = getCallingMethodName() internalResults.add(InternalResult(level, method, null)) previousLevel = level level++ // call the actual function val res = if (!exit) { ProgressBar.progress() @Suppress("UNUSED_EXPRESSION") // false positive a() } else { ProvResult(false, out = "Exiting due to failure and mode FAILEXIT") } level-- // post-handling val returnValue = if (mode == ResultMode.LAST) { if (internalResultIsLeaf(resultIndex) || method == "cmd") res.copy() else ProvResult(res.success) } else if (mode == ResultMode.ALL) { // leaf if (internalResultIsLeaf(resultIndex)) res.copy() // evaluate subcalls' results else ProvResult(cumulativeSuccessSublevel(resultIndex) ?: false) } else if (mode == ResultMode.NONE) { ProvResult(true) } else if (mode == ResultMode.FAILEXIT) { if (res.success) { return ProvResult(true) } else { exit = true return ProvResult(false) } } else { ProvResult(false, err = "mode unknown") } previousLevel = level internalResults[resultIndex].provResult = returnValue if (level == 0) { ProgressBar.end() processor.close() printResults() } return returnValue } private fun internalResultIsLeaf(resultIndex: Int) : Boolean { return !(resultIndex < internalResults.size - 1 && internalResults[resultIndex + 1].level > internalResults[resultIndex].level) } private fun cumulativeSuccessSublevel(resultIndex: Int) : Boolean? { val currentLevel = internalResults[resultIndex].level var res : Boolean? = null var i = resultIndex + 1 while ( i < internalResults.size && internalResults[i].level > currentLevel) { if (internalResults[i].level == currentLevel + 1) { res = if (res == null) internalResults[i].provResult?.success else res && (internalResults[i].provResult?.success ?: false) } i++ } return res } private data class InternalResult(val level: Int, val method: String?, var provResult: ProvResult?) { override fun toString() : String { val provResult = provResult if (provResult != null) { return prefix(level) + (if (provResult.success) "Success -- " else "FAILED -- ") + method + " " + (provResult.cmd ?: "") + (if (!provResult.success && provResult.err != null) " -- Error: " + provResult.err.escapeNewline() else "") } else return prefix(level) + " " + method + " " + "... in progress ... " } private fun prefix(level: Int): String { return "---".repeat(level) + "> " } } val ANSI_RESET = "\u001B[0m" val ANSI_BRIGHT_RED = "\u001B[91m" val ANSI_BRIGHT_GREEN = "\u001B[92m" // uncomment if needed // val ANSI_BLACK = "\u001B[30m" // val ANSI_RED = "\u001B[31m" // val ANSI_GREEN = "\u001B[32m" // val ANSI_YELLOW = "\u001B[33m" // val ANSI_BLUE = "\u001B[34m" // val ANSI_PURPLE = "\u001B[35m" // val ANSI_CYAN = "\u001B[36m" // val ANSI_WHITE = "\u001B[37m" // val ANSI_GRAY = "\u001B[90m" private fun printResults() { println("============================================== SUMMARY " + (if (name != null) "(" + name + ") " else "") + "============================================== ") for (result in internalResults) { println( result.toString().escapeNewline(). replace("Success --", ANSI_BRIGHT_GREEN + "Success" + ANSI_RESET + " --") .replace("FAILED --", ANSI_BRIGHT_RED + "FAILED" + ANSI_RESET + " --") ) } if (internalResults.size > 1) { println("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ") println( "Overall " + internalResults.get(0).toString().take(10) .replace("Success", ANSI_BRIGHT_GREEN + "Success" + ANSI_RESET) .replace("FAILED", ANSI_BRIGHT_RED + "FAILED" + ANSI_RESET) ) } println("============================================ SUMMARY END ============================================ " + newline()) } } private object ProgressBar { fun init() { print("Processing started ...\n") } fun progress() { print(".") System.out.flush() } fun end() { println("processing completed.") } }