# Provs framework Provs is a framework for automating tasks for provisioning reasons and other purposes. It combines * being able to use the power of shell commands * a clear and detailed result summary of the built-in execution handling (incl. failure handling and reporting) * the convenience and robustness of a modern programming language ### Write once, run everywhere Tasks can be run * locally * remotely * in a local docker container * in a remote container Additionally, it is possible to define a custom processor if needed. ## Usage ### Prerequisites * A **Java Virtual machine** (JVM) is required. * Download the latest `provs.jar` from: https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/provs/-/releases ### Show usage options `java -jar provs.jar -h` ### Provision a desktop workplace locally Ensure a config file is in place (default config file name is "WorkplaceConfig.yaml") with at least the workplace type specified, e.g. ```type: MINIMAL``` Possible types are currently: MINIMAL, OFFICE or IDE. Run: `java -jar provs.jar -l` ### Provision a desktop workplace remotely `java -jar provs.jar -i -r -u ` You'll be prompted for the password of the remote user. ## Build the jar-file yourself * Clone this repo * Build the fatjar file by `./gradlew fatJarLatest` * In folder build/libs you'll find the file `provs.jar` The fatjar is a Java jar-file incl. all required dependencies.