package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.desktop.infrastructure import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Prov import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.ProvResult import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.createDir import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.createDirs import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.userHome import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.install.base.aptInstall import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.install.base.isPackageInstalled import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.web.base.downloadFromURL fun Prov.downloadGopassBridge() = def { val version = "0.8.0" val filename = "gopass_bridge-${version}-fx.xpi" val downloadDir = "${userHome()}Downloads/" createDirs(downloadDir) downloadFromURL( "-L" + filename, downloadDir + filename ) // needs manual install with: firefox Downloads/gopass_bridge-0.8.0-fx.xpi } fun Prov.installGopassBridgeJsonApi() = def { // see val gopassBridgeVersion = "1.11.1" val requiredGopassVersion = "1.12" val filename = "gopass-jsonapi_${gopassBridgeVersion}_linux_amd64.deb" val downloadUrl = "-L$gopassBridgeVersion/$filename" val downloadDir = "${userHome()}Downloads" val installedJsonApiVersion = gopassJsonApiVersion()?.trim() if (installedJsonApiVersion == null) { if (chk("gopass ls")) { if (checkGopassVersion(requiredGopassVersion)) { aptInstall("git gnupg2") // required dependencies createDir(downloadDir) downloadFromURL(downloadUrl, filename, downloadDir) cmd("dpkg -i " + downloadDir + "/" + filename, sudo = true) } else { ProvResult( false, "Version of currently installed gopass (" + gopassVersion() + ") is incompatible with gopass-jsonapi version to be installed. " + "Please upgrade gopass to version: " + requiredGopassVersion ) } } else { addResultToEval( ProvResult( false, "gopass not initialized correctly. You can initialize gopass with: \"gopass init\"" ) ) } } else { if (installedJsonApiVersion.startsWith("gopass-jsonapi version " + gopassBridgeVersion)) { addResultToEval(ProvResult(true, out = "Version $gopassBridgeVersion of gopass-jsonapi is already installed")) } else { addResultToEval( ProvResult( false, err = "gopass-jsonapi (version $gopassBridgeVersion) cannot be installed as version $installedJsonApiVersion is already installed." + " Upgrading gopass-jsonapi is currently not supported by provs." ) ) } } } fun Prov.configureGopassBridgeJsonApi() = def { if (isPackageInstalled("gopass-jsonapi")) { // configure for firefox and choose default for each: // "Install for all users? [y/N/q]", // "In which path should be installed? [/home/testuser/.config/gopass]" // "Wrapper Script for ..." cmd("printf \"\\n\\n\\n\" | gopass-jsonapi configure --browser firefox") } else { ProvResult( false, err = "gopass-jsonapi is missing. Gopass-jsonapi must be installed to be able to configure it." ) } } internal fun Prov.gopassJsonApiVersion(): String? { val result = cmdNoEval("gopass-jsonapi -v") return if (!result.success) null else result.out }