package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.desktop.application import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.desktop.domain.provisionDesktop import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.cli.createProvInstance import import kotlin.system.exitProcess /** * Provisions desktop software (office and/or ide depending on type) locally or on a remote machine. Use option -h for help. */ fun main(args: Array) { val cmd = CliArgumentsParser("provs-desktop.jar subcommand target").parseCommand(args) if (!cmd.isValid()) { println("Arguments are not valid, pls try option -h for help.") exitProcess(1) } val prov = createProvInstance(, remoteHostSetSudoWithoutPasswordRequired = true) try { provisionDesktop(prov, cmd) } catch (e: SerializationException) { println( "Error: File \"${cmd.configFile?.fileName}\" has an invalid format and or invalid data.\n" ) } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) { println( "Error: File\u001b[31m ${cmd.configFile?.fileName} \u001b[0m was not found.\n" + "Pls copy file \u001B[31m desktop-config-example.yaml \u001B[0m to file \u001B[31m ${cmd.configFile?.fileName} \u001B[0m " + "and change the content according to your needs.\n" ) } }