# Information for developers ## Create a provs jar-file * Clone this repo * Build the jar-file by `./gradlew uberjarDesktop` * In folder build/libs you'll find the file `provs-desktop.jar` This uberjar is a Java jar-file including all required dependencies. ## Task ```kotlin fun Prov.provisionK8s() = task { /* ... code and subtasks come here ... */ } ``` If you're having a deeper look into the provs code, you'll see regularly a task definition like this and might wonder ... ### What is a task ? A task is the **basic execution unit** in provs. When executed, each task produces exactly one result (line) with either success or failure. The success or failure is computed automatically in the following way: * a **task** fails if it calls subtasks and if at least one subtask has failed * a **taskWithResult** works the same except that it requires an additional result to be returned which is also included in the success calculation * a task defined with **optional** (i.e. `= optional { /* ... */ }` always returns success (even if there are failing subtasks) * **requireLast** defines a task which must provide an explicit result and solely this result counts for success calculation ## Call hierarchy In the following link you can find an example of a sequence diagram when provisioning a desktop: [ProvisionDesktopSequence.md](ProvisionDesktopSequence.md)