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package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.docker.provideContainer
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.processors.ContainerStartMode
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.processors.ContainerUbuntuHostProcessor
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.processors.RemoteProcessor
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.tags.Api
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.fileContent
* Returns the name of the calling function but excluding some functions of the prov framework
* in order to return the "real" calling function.
* Note: names of inner functions (i.e. which are defined inside other functions) are not
* supported in the sense that always the name of the outer function is returned instead.
internal fun getCallingMethodName(): String? {
val offsetVal = 1
val exclude = arrayOf("task", "def", "record", "invoke", "invoke0", "handle", "task\$default", "def\$default", "addResultToEval", "handle\$default")
// suffixes are also ignored as method names but will be added as suffix in the evaluation results
val suffixes = arrayOf("optional", "requireAll", "requireLast", "inContainer")
var suffix = ""
val callingFrame = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace
for (i in 0 until (callingFrame.size - 1)) {
if (callingFrame[i].methodName == "getCallingMethodName") {
var method = callingFrame[i + offsetVal].methodName
var inc = 0
while ((method in exclude) or (method in suffixes)) {
if (method in suffixes && suffix == "") {
suffix = method
method = callingFrame[i + offsetVal + inc].methodName
return method + if (suffix.isBlank()) "" else " ($suffix)"
return null
// --------------------------- String extensions ----------------------------
fun String.escapeNewline(): String = replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\n", "\\n")
fun String.escapeControlChars(): String = replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\t", "\\t").replace("[\\p{Cntrl}]".toRegex(), "\\?")
fun String.escapeBackslash(): String = replace("\\", "\\\\")
fun String.escapeDoubleQuote(): String = replace("\"", "\\\"")
fun String.escapeSingleQuote(): String = replace("'", "\'")
fun String.escapeBacktick(): String = replace("`", "\\`")
fun String.escapeDollar(): String = replace("$", "\\$")
fun String.escapeSingleQuoteForShell(): String = replace("'", "'\"'\"'")
fun String.escapeProcentForPrintf(): String = replace("%", "%%")
fun String.endingWithFileSeparator(): String = if (length > 0 && (last() != fileSeparatorChar())) this + fileSeparator() else this
* Put String between double quotes and escapes chars that need to be escaped (by backslash) for use in Unix Shell String
* I.e. the following chars are escaped: backslash, backtick, double quote, dollar
fun String.escapeAndEncloseByDoubleQuoteForShell(): String {
return "\"" + this.escapeForShell() + "\""
fun String.escapeForShell(): String {
// see
return this.escapeBackslash().escapeBacktick().escapeDoubleQuote().escapeDollar()
* Returns an echo command for the given String, which will be escaped for the bash
internal fun echoCommandForText(text: String): String {
return "echo -n ${text.escapeAndEncloseByDoubleQuoteForShell()}"
* Returns an echo command for the given String, which will be escaped for the shell and ADDITIONALLY with newline, tabs, etc replaced by \n, \t, etc
internal fun echoCommandForTextWithNewlinesReplaced(text: String): String {
return "echo -en ${text.escapeAndEncloseByDoubleQuoteForShell()}"
fun fileSeparator(): String = File.separator
fun fileSeparatorChar(): Char = File.separatorChar
fun newline(): String = System.getProperty("line.separator")
fun hostUserHome(): String = System.getProperty("user.home") + fileSeparator()
fun getResourceAsText(path: String): String {
val resource = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader.getResource(path)
requireNotNull(resource) { "Resource $path not found" }
return resource.readText()
internal fun getLocalFileContent(fullyQualifiedLocalFileName: String, sudo: Boolean = false): String {
val content = local().fileContent(fullyQualifiedLocalFileName, sudo)
check(content != null, { "Could not retrieve content from file: $fullyQualifiedLocalFileName" })
return content
* Returns default local Prov instance.
@Suppress("unused") // used by other libraries resp. KotlinScript
fun local(): Prov {
return Prov.defaultInstance()
* Returns Prov instance for remote host with remote user with provided password.
* If password is null, connection is done by ssh-key.
* Platform (Linux, etc) must be provided if different from local platform.
@Api // used by other libraries resp. KotlinScript
fun remote(host: String, remoteUser: String, password: Secret? = null, platform: OS = OS.LINUX): Prov {
require(host.isNotEmpty(), { "Host must not be empty." })
require(remoteUser.isNotEmpty(), { "Remote user must not be empty." })
return Prov.newInstance(RemoteProcessor(InetAddress.getByName(host), remoteUser, password), platform = platform)
* Returns Prov instance which eexcutes its tasks in a local docker container with name containerName.
* If a container with the given name is running already, it'll be reused if parameter useExistingContainer is set to true.
* If a container is reused, it is not checked if it has the correct, specified image.
* Determines automatically if sudo is required if sudo is null, otherwise the specified sudo is used
@Api // used by other libraries resp. KotlinScript
fun docker(
containerName: String = "provs_default",
useExistingContainer: Boolean = true,
imageName: String = "ubuntu",
sudo: Boolean? = null
): Prov {
val sudoRequired = sudo ?: checkSudoRequiredForDocker()
local().provideContainer(containerName, imageName)
return Prov.newInstance(
if (useExistingContainer)
sudo = sudoRequired
* Returns true if sudo is required to run docker locally, otherwise returns false.
* Throws an IllegalStateException if docker cannot be run locally at all.
fun checkSudoRequiredForDocker(): Boolean {
return if (local().chk("docker -v")) {
} else if (local().chk("sudo docker -v")) {
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("Docker could not be run.")