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package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.extensions.server_software.standalone_server.nginx.base
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Prov
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.createDirs
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.extensions.server_software.standalone_server.nginx.provisionNginxStandAlone
internal val certificateName = "selfsigned"
internal val sslDays = 365
val dirSslCert="/etc/nginx/ssl/cert"
val dirSslKey="/etc/nginx/ssl/private"
fun Prov.nginxCreateSelfSignedCertificate(
country: String = "DE",
state: String = "test",
locality: String = "test",
organization: String = "test",
organizationalUnit: String = "test",
commonName: String = "test",
email : String = ""
) = def {
// inspired by
createDirs(dirSslCert, sudo = true)
createDirs(dirSslKey, sudo = true)
cmd("cd $dirSslKey && sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $certificateName.key -out $certificateName.crt -days $sslDays -subj \"/C=$country/ST=$state/L=$locality/O=$organization/OU=$organizationalUnit/CN=$commonName/emailAddress=$email\"")
cmd("sudo mv $dirSslKey/$certificateName.crt $dirSslCert/")
fun Prov.configureNginxWithSelfSignedCertificate() = def {
// todo: should not call provisionNginxStandAlone, which is defined in the package above
dirSslCert+"/"+ certificateName + ".crt",
dirSslKey + "/" + certificateName + ".key"))