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package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.user.base
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Prov
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.ProvResult
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Secret
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.processors.RemoteProcessor
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.createDirs
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.fileExists
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.userHome
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.git.provisionGit
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.keys.base.gpgFingerprint
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.keys.provisionKeys
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.user.UserConfig
fun Prov.userExists(userName: String): Boolean {
return cmdNoEval("grep -c '^$userName:' /etc/passwd").success
* Creates a new user.
fun Prov.createUser(
userName: String,
password: Secret? = null,
sudo: Boolean = false,
copyAuthorizedSshKeysFromCurrentUser: Boolean = false
): ProvResult = requireAll {
if (!userExists(userName)) {
cmd("sudo adduser --gecos \"First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone\" --disabled-password --home /home/$userName $userName")
password?.let { cmdNoLog("sudo echo \"$userName:${password.plain()}\" | sudo chpasswd") } ?: ProvResult(true)
if (sudo) {
val authorizedKeysFile = userHome() + ".ssh/authorized_keys"
if (copyAuthorizedSshKeysFromCurrentUser && fileExists(authorizedKeysFile)) {
val sshPathForNewUser = "/home/$userName/.ssh"
createDirs(sshPathForNewUser, sudo = true)
cmd("chown $userName $sshPathForNewUser", sudo = true)
val newAuthorizedKeysFile = "$sshPathForNewUser/authorized_keys"
cmd("cp $authorizedKeysFile $newAuthorizedKeysFile", sudo = true)
cmd("chown $userName $newAuthorizedKeysFile", sudo = true)
ProvResult(true) // dummy
* Configures gpg and ssh keys for the current if keys are provided in the config.
* Installs and configures git for the user if gitEmail is provided in the config.
* Does NOT CREATE the user.
fun Prov.configureUser(config: UserConfig) = requireAll {
config.gitEmail?.run {
config.gpg?.keyPair()?.let { gpgFingerprint(it.publicKey.plain()) })
} ?: ProvResult(true)
fun Prov.deleteUser(userName: String, deleteHomeDir: Boolean = false): ProvResult = requireAll {
val flagToDeleteHomeDir = if (deleteHomeDir) " -r " else ""
if (userExists(userName)) {
cmd("sudo userdel $flagToDeleteHomeDir $userName")
} else {
ProvResult(false, err = "User $userName cannot be deleted as it does not exist.")
* Makes userName a sudoer who does not need a password to sudo.
* The current (executing) user must already be a sudoer. If he is a sudoer with password required then
* his password must be provided.
fun Prov.makeUserSudoerWithNoSudoPasswordRequired(
userName: String,
password: Secret? = null,
overwriteFile: Boolean = false
): ProvResult = def {
val userSudoFile = "/etc/sudoers.d/$userName"
if (!fileExists(userSudoFile) || overwriteFile) {
val sudoPrefix = if (password == null) "sudo" else "echo ${password.plain()} | sudo -S"
// see
val result = cmdNoLog(sudoPrefix + " sh -c \"echo '$userName ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR=\"tee\" visudo -f " + userSudoFile + "')\"")
// don't log the command (containing the password) resp. don't include it in the ProvResult, just include success and err
ProvResult(result.success, err = result.err)
} else {
ProvResult(true, out = "File already exists")
* Makes the current (executing) user be able to sudo without password.
* IMPORTANT: Current user must already by sudoer when calling this function.
@Suppress("unused") // used externally
fun Prov.makeUserSudoerWithNoSudoPasswordRequired(password: Secret) = def {
val currentUser = whoami()
if (currentUser != null) {
makeUserSudoerWithNoSudoPasswordRequired(currentUser, password, overwriteFile = true)
} else {
ProvResult(false, "Current user could not be determined.")
* Checks if user is in group sudo.
fun Prov.userIsInGroupSudo(userName: String): Boolean {
return cmd("getent group sudo | grep -c '$userName'").success
* Checks if current user can execute sudo commands.
fun Prov.currentUserCanSudo(): Boolean {
return chk("timeout 1 sudo id")
* Returns username of current user if it can be determined
fun Prov.whoami(): String? {
return cmd("whoami").run { if (success) out?.trim() else null }
* Creates a new user on the specified host.
* @host hostname or ip-address
* @hostUser user on the remote system, which is used to create the new user,
* hostUser must be sudoer
* @hostPassword pw of hostUser on the remote system;
* ssh-key authentication will be used if hostPassword is null
@Suppress("api") // use externally
fun createRemoteUser(
host: InetAddress,
hostUser: String,
hostPassword: Secret?,
newUserName: String,
newUserPW: Secret,
makeNewUserSudoer: Boolean = false
) {
Prov.newInstance(RemoteProcessor(host, hostUser, hostPassword), name = "createRemoteUser")
.createUser(newUserName, newUserPW, makeNewUserSudoer)