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package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.git.base
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Prov
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.ProvResult
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.*
* Clones a git repository in the specified targetPath or tries git pull if repo already existing and parameter pullIfExisting is true.
* If specified, the targetFolderName is used as basename for the repo, otherwise the basename (directory) is retrieved from repoSource
fun Prov.gitClone(
repoSource: String,
targetPath: String = "",
pullIfExisting: Boolean = true,
targetFolderName: String? = null
): ProvResult = taskWithResult {
// if specified, use targetFolderName as basename or otherwise retrieve basename from repoSource
val basename = targetFolderName ?: cmdNoEval("basename $repoSource .git").out?.trim()
// return err if basename could not be retrieved from repoSource
?: return@taskWithResult ProvResult(false, err = "$repoSource is not a valid git repository source path.")
val pathWithBasename = targetPath.normalizePath() + basename
// check if repo is already on target machine
if (checkDir(pathWithBasename + "/.git/")) {
if (pullIfExisting) {
cmd("cd $pathWithBasename && git pull")
} else {
ProvResult(true, out = "Repo [$pathWithBasename] already exists, but might not be up-to-date.")
} else {
// create targetPath (if not yet existing)
if (!checkDir(targetPath)) {
cmd("cd $targetPath && git clone $repoSource ${targetFolderName ?: ""}")