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package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.keys.base
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Prov
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.ProvResult
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.*
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.keys.SshKeyPair
const val KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE = "~/.ssh/known_hosts"
* Installs ssh keys for active user; ssh filenames depend on the ssh key type, e.g. for public key file: "", "", etc
fun Prov.configureSshKeys(sshKeys: SshKeyPair) = task {
createDir(".ssh", "~/")
createSecretFile("~/.ssh/id_${sshKeys.sshAlgorithmName}.pub", sshKeys.publicKey, "644")
createSecretFile("~/.ssh/id_${sshKeys.sshAlgorithmName}", sshKeys.privateKey, "600")
* Checks if the specified hostname or Ip is in a known_hosts file
* @return whether if was found
fun Prov.isHostKnown(hostOrIp: String) : Boolean {
return cmdNoEval("ssh-keygen -F $hostOrIp").out?.isNotEmpty() ?: false
* Adds ssh keys for specified host (which also can be an ip-address) to ssh-file "known_hosts"
* Either add the specified keys or - if null - add keys automatically retrieved.
* Note: adding keys automatically is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack, thus considered insecure and not recommended.
fun Prov.addKnownHost(host: String, keysToBeAdded: List<String>?, verifyKeys: Boolean = false) = task {
if (!checkFile(KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE)) {
createFile(KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE, null)
if (keysToBeAdded == null) {
// auto add keys
cmd("ssh-keyscan $host >> $KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE")
} else {
for (key in keysToBeAdded) {
if (!verifyKeys) {
addTextToFile("\n$host $key\n", File(KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE))
} else {
val validKeys = getSshKeys(host)
if (validKeys?.contains(key) == true) {
addTextToFile("\n$host $key\n", File(KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE))
} else {
addResultToEval(ProvResult(false, err = "The following key of host [$host] could not be verified successfully: " + key))
* Returns a list of valid ssh keys for the given host (host can also be an ip address), keys are returned as keytype and key BUT WITHOUT the host name
private fun Prov.getSshKeys(host: String, keytype: String? = null): List<String>? {
val keytypeOption = keytype?.let { " -t $keytype " } ?: ""
val output = cmd("ssh-keyscan $keytypeOption $host 2>/dev/null").out?.trim()
return output?.split("\n")?.filter { x -> "" != x }?.map { x -> x.substringAfter(" ") }