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package org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.web.base
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.Prov
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.core.ProvResult
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.createDirs
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.deleteFile
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.checkFile
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.filesystem.base.normalizePath
import org.domaindrivenarchitecture.provs.framework.ubuntu.install.base.aptInstall
* Downloads a file from the given URL using curl. Skips download if file already exists and overwrite is false.
* ATTENTION: to check the checksum the locally installed version of sha256sum is used, which can differ in different versions of ubuntu; e.g. gopass download only works with sha256sum version 8.30 from ubuntu 20.04 !
fun Prov.downloadFromURL(
url: String,
filename: String? = null,
path: String? = null,
sudo: Boolean = false,
followRedirect: Boolean = true,
sha256sum: String? = null,
overwrite: Boolean = false
): ProvResult = task {
val finalFilename: String = filename ?: url.substringAfterLast("/")
val fqFilename: String = (path?.normalizePath() ?: "") + finalFilename
if (!overwrite && checkFile(fqFilename, sudo = sudo)) {
return@task ProvResult(true, out = "File $fqFilename already exists.")
val followRedirectOption = if (followRedirect) "-L" else ""
path?.let { createDirs(path) }
cmd("curl $followRedirectOption $url -o $finalFilename", path, sudo)
if (sha256sum != null) {
cmd("sha256sum --version") // use cmd to log version (e.g. 8.30 for ubuntu 20.04)
if (!cmd("echo \"$sha256sum $finalFilename\" | sha256sum --check", path).success) {
// use cmd to log the actual checksum
cmd("sha256sum $finalFilename", path)
// delete file with wrong checksum
deleteFile(finalFilename, path, sudo)
} else {
ProvResult(true, out = "Sha256sum is correct.")
} else {
ProvResult(true, out = "No sha256sum check requested.")