We can insert!

Arne Brasseur 1 year ago
parent ee55ba5c9b
commit 9bdd84273e

@ -4,23 +4,25 @@
;; Application setup
com.lambdaisland/webbing {:local/root "/home/arne/github/lambdaisland/webbing"}
;; {:mvn/version "0.4.20-alpha"}
;; Incoming HTTP
ring/ring-core {:mvn/version "1.9.6"}
ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.9.6"}
ring/ring-mock {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
metosin/malli {:mvn/version "0.9.2"}
metosin/muuntaja {:mvn/version "0.6.8"}
metosin/reitit {:mvn/version "0.5.18"}
ring/ring-core {:mvn/version "1.9.6"}
ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.9.6"}
ring/ring-mock {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
metosin/muuntaja {:mvn/version "0.6.8"}
metosin/reitit {:mvn/version "0.5.18"}
;; Outgoing HTTP
hato/hato {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
hato/hato {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
;; Formats
cheshire/cheshire {:mvn/version "5.11.0"}
metosin/malli {:mvn/version "0.9.2"}
;; Database
seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.2.659"}
com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng/pgjdbc-ng {:mvn/version "0.8.9"}
com.mchange/c3p0 {:mvn/version ""}
;; Logging
;; Webbing pulls in pedestal-log/glogi, but does not dictate the logging sink
@ -28,8 +30,9 @@
org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j {:mvn/version "2.0.3"}
org.slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j {:exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop], :mvn/version "2.0.3"}
ch.qos.logback/logback-classic {:exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-api org.slf4j/slf4j-nop] :mvn/version "1.4.4"}
djblue/portal {:mvn/version "0.35.0"}}
{:dev {:extra-paths ["dev"]}
{:dev {:extra-paths ["dev"]}
:souk {:main-opts ["-m" "lambdaisland.souk"]}}}

@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
(let [ds (jdbc/get-datasource (pg-url "postgres"))]
(jdbc/execute! ds [(str "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " name)])
(jdbc/execute! ds [(str "CREATE DATABASE " name)])))
(pg-url "souk")
(recreate-db! "souk")
(defn sql-ident [v]
(if (sequential? v)
(str/join "." (map identifier v))
(str/join "." (map sql-ident v))
(str "\""
(if (keyword? v)
(subs (str v) 1)

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(ns repl-sessions.second-stream
(:require [lambdaisland.souk.db :as db]
[lambdaisland.souk.activitypub :as ap]
[lambdaisland.souk.sql :as sql]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]))
(let [{:keys [schema ds]} (user/value :storage/db)
table :activitystreams/Actor
person (ap/GET "https://toot.cat/users/plexus/")]
(jdbc/execute! ds
(db/insert-sql table
(select-keys person (get schema table))
(apply dissoc person :rdf/type (get schema table))))
[(select-keys person (get schema table))
(apply dissoc person :rdf/type (get schema table))]
{:rdf/type :activitystreams/Person,
:rdf/id "https://toot.cat/users/plexus",
:activitystreams/outbox "https://toot.cat/users/plexus/outbox",
:activitystreams/name "Arne Brasseur",
"<p>Founder of Gaiwan.co — creator of Kaocha — drinks tea and writes Clojure, in that order.</p><p>Alts: <span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"https://mastodon.social/@plexus\" class=\"u-url mention\">@<span>plexus</span></a></span> / <span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"https://toot.berlin/@plexus\" class=\"u-url mention\">@<span>plexus</span></a></span></p>",
:activitystreams/preferredUsername "plexus",
:activitystreams/url "https://toot.cat/@plexus",
:ldp/inbox "https://toot.cat/users/plexus/inbox"})
(jdbc/execute! (:ds (user/value :storage/db)) [(sql/sql 'drop-table :activitystreams/Actor)])

@ -5,4 +5,9 @@
{:gx/component lambdaisland.souk.components.jetty/component
:gx/props {:jetty-options {:port #setting :port}
:router (gx/ref :http/router)}}}
:router (gx/ref :http/router)
:db (gx/ref :storage/db)}}
{:gx/component lambdaisland.souk.db/component
:gx/props {:url #setting :jdbc/url}}}

@ -1 +1,2 @@
{:dev/reload-routes? true}
{:dev/reload-routes? true
:jdbc/url "jdbc:pgsql://localhost:5432/souk?user=postgres"}

@ -16,3 +16,5 @@
(defn GET [url]
(ld/internalize (ld/expand (:body (ld/json-get url))) common-prefixes))
(GET "https://toot.cat/users/plexus")

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(ns lambdaisland.souk.db
(:require [lambdaisland.souk.sql :as sql]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.date-time :as jdbc-date-time]
[next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]
[next.jdbc.sql :as nsql]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[lambdaisland.glogc :as log])
(:import (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource)))
(def default-properties
[[:rdf/id 'text 'primary-key]
[:rdf/type 'text]
[:rdf/props 'jsonb 'default "{}"]
[:meta/created-at 'timestamp-with-time-zone 'default [:fn 'now] 'not-null]
[:meta/updated-at 'timestamp-with-time-zone]])
(def set-ts-trigger-def "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_set_timestamp()\nRETURNS TRIGGER AS $$\nBEGIN\n NEW.\"meta/updated-at\" = NOW();\n RETURN NEW;\nEND;\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;")
(def tables
[[:activitystreams/name 'text 'not-null]
[:activitystreams/preferredUsername 'text 'not-null]
[:activitystreams/url 'text 'not-null]
[:activitystreams/summary 'text]
[:ldp/inbox 'text 'not-null]
[:activitystreams/outbox 'text 'not-null]
[:activitystreams/published 'timestamp-with-time-zone]]]])
(defn create-table! [ds table-name columns]
(log/info :table/creating {:name table-name :columns columns})
(jdbc/execute! ds [(sql/sql 'create-table 'if-not-exists table-name
(jdbc/execute! ds [(sql/sql 'drop-trigger 'if-exists :set-timestamp
'on table-name)])
(jdbc/execute! ds [(sql/sql 'create-trigger :set-timestamp
'on table-name
'execute-procedure [:fn 'trigger_set_timestamp])]))
(defn pg-coerce [val]
(instance? java.time.ZonedDateTime val)
(.toOffsetDateTime val)
(defn insert-sql [table entity props]
(into [(sql/sql 'insert-into table
(cons :rdf/props
(map key entity))
(repeat (inc (count entity)) '?)
'on-conflict [:raw "(\"rdf/id\")"]
(into [:commas]
(map (fn [[k]]
[k '= '?]))
(json/encode props)
(map (comp pg-coerce val) props)
(map (comp pg-coerce val) props)))))
(defn start! [{:keys [props]}]
(let [ds (doto (ComboPooledDataSource.)
(.setDriverClass "com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDriver")
(.setJdbcUrl (:url props)))]
(jdbc/execute! ds [set-ts-trigger-def])
(doseq [[table columns] tables]
(create-table! ds table columns))
(let [table-columns
(into {}
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection ds {})]
(let [md (.getMetaData con)]
(for [{:keys [pg_class/TABLE_NAME]}
(-> md
(.getTables nil nil nil (into-array ["TABLE" "VIEW"]))
(rs/datafiable-result-set ds {}))]
[(keyword TABLE_NAME)
(map (comp keyword :COLUMN_NAME)
(rs/datafiable-result-set (.getColumns md nil nil TABLE_NAME nil) ds {}))])))))]
{:schema table-columns
:ds ds})))
(defn stop! [{ds :value}]
#_(.close ds))
;; cpds.setUser("dbuser");
;; cpds.setPassword("dbpassword");
(def component
{:gx/start {:gx/processor #'start!}
:gx/stop {:gx/processor #'stop!}})

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
{:schemas schemas
:keys (:dev/start-keys local-config start-keys)
:sources {:config [(proj-resource "config.edn")
(proj-resource "config-development.edn")
(dissoc local-config :dev/start-keys)]
:secrets [(config/dotenv)

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
(ns lambdaisland.souk.sql
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn sql-ident [v]
(if (sequential? v)
(str/join "." (map sql-ident v))
(str "\""
(if (keyword? v)
(subs (str v) 1)
(defn sql-kw [k]
(if (keyword? k)
(name k)
#"-" " ")))
(defn sql-str [& ss]
(str "'" (str/replace (apply str ss) #"'" "''") "'"))
(defn sql-list
(sql-list "(" ")" ", " items))
([before after separator items]
(str before (apply str (str/join separator items)) after)))
(defn strs [& items]
(str/join " " items))
(defn sql [& items]
(apply strs
(map (fn [x]
(vector? x)
(case (first x)
:ident (sql-ident (second x))
:kw (sql-kw (second x))
:str (sql-str (second x))
:raw (second x)
:list (sql-list (map sql (next x)))
:commas (sql-list "" "" ", " (map sql (next x)))
:fn (str (second x)
(sql-list (map sql (nnext x))))
(apply sql x))
(keyword? x)
(sql-ident x)
(symbol? x)
(sql-kw x)
(string? x)
(sql-str x)
(sequential? x)
(sql-list "(" ")" ", " (map sql x))))

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