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import sys
import os
import pytest as pt
from pathlib import Path
from ddadevops import *
# getting the name of the directory
# where the this file is present.
current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Getting the parent directory name
# where the current directory is present.
parent = os.path.dirname(current)
# adding the parent directory to
# the sys.path.
# now we can import the module in the parent
# directory.
from pybuilder.core import task, init, Project
from release_mixin import ReleaseMixin, create_release_mixin_config
MAIN_BRANCH = 'main'
STAGE = 'test'
MODULE = 'test'
BUILD_DIR_NAME = "build_dir"
class MyBuild(ReleaseMixin):
def initialize(project, CONFIG_FILE):
config = create_release_mixin_config(CONFIG_FILE, MAIN_BRANCH)
config.update({'stage': STAGE,
'module': MODULE,
'project_root_path': PROJECT_ROOT_PATH,
'build_dir_name': BUILD_DIR_NAME})
build = MyBuild(project, config)
return build
#def test_release_mixin(tmp_path):
# #init
# with open(f'test/resources/config.json', 'r') as json_file:
# contents =
# CONFIG_FILE = tmp_path / "config.json"
# CONFIG_FILE.write_text(contents)
# base_dir = "."
# project = Project(base_dir)
# # init
# build = initialize(project, CONFIG_FILE)
# build.commit_string = "MAJOR bla"
# build.init_release()
# release_version = build.release_version
# # test
# assert "124.0.0" in release_version.get_version_string()
# # init
# bump_version = build.bump_version
# # test
# assert "124.0.1-SNAPSHOT" in bump_version.get_version_string()