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meapp-fullstack: ModeratorElection


ModeratorElection provides a fullstack java app development as graalvm binary containing:

  • Java app to elect a team member from a comma separated list delivered by environment variable
  • Backend Spring Boot embeded Tomcat® Server
  • Frontend Vaadin Framework
  • Dockerfile to generate multi stage image,
    first stage compilation to graalvm binary, second stage as run stage - graalvm binary execution

Try out

Development phase is completed, we will deploy production soon - reachable at


  • in IDE development, run
    ./gradlew clean vaadinPrepareFrontend
  • build jar file
    ./gradlew clean build -Pvaadin.productionMode
    -> output jar to build/libs/
  • compile native-image graalvm binary
    (1) use graalvm agent to announce project dependencies
MEMBERNAMES=er,sie,es java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image -jar build/libs/ModeratorElection-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

(2) ./gradlew nativeCompile -Dvaadin.productionMode=true
-> output binary and necessary libs to build/native/nativeCompile/

  • py builder/ usage recommendation:
    pyb <task> to either create docker image, publish docker image, run test or dry run.
    py builder is using meissa PyPi package ddadevops for smart deployment.

Get help

./gradlew tasks

Development & mirrors

Development completed at:

Mirror: (CI)


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