You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(ns org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.activitystreams2-legacy
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.owl :as owl]
[org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.core :as core]))
; TODO: We could do these with multispec, but that is too much for a POC
(def objectAndLinkTypes #{; Object Types
; Link Types
(defn match-type
#(= (:type %) type))
(s/def ::Object (s/or
:uri core/uri-string?
:map (s/and (s/keys
:req-un [::id ::type]
:opt-un [::attributedTo ::und-mehr])
(match-type "Object"))))
;TODO: how do we translate this? rdfs:domain [a owl:Class ; owl:unionOf (as:Link as:Object)]
;TODO evtl sind ::owl/FunctionalProperty, ::owl/DatatypeProperty, ::owl/DeprecatedProperty nur meta informationen?
(s/def ::id (s/and ::owl/FunctionalProperty
;TODO: we will need such a predicate ...
;(defn-spec isFunctional? bool?
; [spec keyword?]
; (search-in-meta spec))
; TODO: type can have multiple values!! Affects also the fct match-type and all specs that uses it!
(s/def ::type #(or (core/uri-string? %) (contains? objectAndLinkTypes %)))
(s/def ::Link (s/and (s/keys
:req-un [::type]
:opt-un [::attributedTo ::und-mehr])
(match-type "Link")))
(s/def ::Relationship (s/keys :req-un [::object ::und-mehr]))
; #### Collection ####
(s/def ::Collection (s/and ::Object
:opt-un [::totalItems ::current ::first ::last ; FUNCTIONAL properties!
::items]) ;"items" is not a FUNCTIONAL property!
(match-type "Collection")))
; Side note: A property marked as FUNCTIONAL does not mean that this property is required for the respective Object.
; Example: The property "replies" is FUNCTIONAL for "Object" but is an optional property for "Object".
(s/def ::OrderedCollection (s/and ::Collection
(match-type "OrderedCollection")))
; #### NOTE ####
; Specialities of mastodon statuses:
(s/def ::Note (s/and ::Object
;(match-type "Note")
:opt-un [::likes])))
(s/def ::likes (s/or :collection ::Collection
:ordered-collection ::OrderedCollection))
; #### ACTIVITY ####
(s/def ::Activity (s/and
:req-un [::actor ::object]
:opt-un [::result ::target ::origin ::instrument
; "IntransitiveActivity" erbt von Activity, aber ohne ::object
(s/def ::Property (s/or :object ::Object
:link ::Link
:collection (s/coll-of (s/or :object ::Object :link ::Link))))
(s/def ::attributedTo ::Property)
(s/def ::actor ::attributedTo)
(s/def ::object
(s/def ::result
(s/def ::target
(s/def ::origin
(s/def ::instrument
(s/def ::verb core/uri-string?)
; #### LIKE ####
(s/def ::Like (s/and ::Activity
(match-type "Like")))
; Was beim Type Activity optional und required ist, ist abhängig vom Aktivitätstyp.
; Bspw brauch ein Like einen actor und den type "Like" und (xor) target/object.
; Aber die "IntransitiveActivity" (die alles von Activity erbt außer "object") vom Type "Question" besitzt keinen "actor".
(def maybeLike?
{:id "https://social.bla/alyssa#likes/RANDOMHASH",
:type "Like",
:actor "https://social.bla/alyssa",
:object "https://chatty.bla/ben/posts/234s23-2g34234-2hhj536"})
(def testLink
{:context "",
:type "Link",
:href "",
:hreflang "en",
:mediaType "text/html",
:name "An example link"})
(def testObject
{:context "",
:type "Note",
:id "https://social.bla/alyssa",
:href "",
:hreflang "en",
:mediaType "text/html",
:name "An example object"})