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(ns org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.owl
"A swallow spec translation implementation of owl. Inheritance of FunctionalProperty
is realized in deep implemented."
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.predicates :as p]
[orchestra.core :refer [defn-spec]]))
; Properties:
; * Datatype properties link individuals to data values.
; * Object properties link individuals to individuals.
(defn-spec owl-class? boolean?
[elem any?]
(or (p/uri-string? elem)
(coll? elem)))
(s/def ::Class owl-class?)
(s/def ::DatatypeProperty any?)
(s/def ::ObjectProperty any?)
functional? boolean?
[elem any?]
(some? elem)
(not (coll? elem))
(and (sequential? elem) (= 1 (count elem))))))
(s/def ::FunctionalProperty functional?)
(s/def ::DeprecatedProperty any?)
(s/def ::ObjectProperty any?)