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(ns org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.spec-helper
"A swallow spec translation implementation of owl. Inheritance of FunctionalProperty
is realized in deep implemented."
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[orchestra.core :refer [defn-spec]]))
(defn-spec map-spec s/spec?
"Spec that applies only for map values."
[spec s/spec?]
:no-map #(not (map? %))
:map spec)))
(defn-spec seq-spec s/spec?
"Spec that applies only for map values."
[spec s/spec?]
:single-value spec
:coll-of-values (s/+ spec))))
is-functional-property? boolean?
"Checks whether spec is a FunctionalProperty."
[spec s/spec?]
(if ( s/get-spec spec)
#(clojure.string/includes? % "FunctionalProperty")
(s/describe spec))