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(ns org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.core
(:require [lambdaisland.souk.activitypub :as ap]
[lambdaisland.souk.json-ld :as ld]
[quoll.raphael.core :refer [parse]]
[org.domaindrivenarchitecture.fed-poc.common :as cm]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[orchestra.core :refer [defn-spec]]
[ :as json]
[clojure.inspector :as ins]
[hato.client :as hato]
[clojure.string :as st]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.string :as str]
[lambdaisland.uri :as uri]))
(def team-url "")
(def outbox-url "")
(def like-url "")
(def name-url "")
(def team-ld (:body (ld/json-get team-url)))
(def context-team (ld/expand-context (ld/fetch-context team-url)) )
(def context-like (ld/expand-context (ld/fetch-context like-url)))
(def team (ap/GET team-url))
(def parsed-rdf-syntax (parse (slurp cm/activitystreams-ttl)))
(defn type-string? [input]
(and (string? input)
(re-matches #"[A-Z]" (str (first input)))))
(defn url-string? [input]
(and (string? input)
(re-matches #"https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)" input)))
(defn uri-string? [input]
(and (string? input)
(re-matches #"\w+:(\/?\/?)[^\s]+" input)))
(defn uri-vector? [input]
(and (every? #(uri-string? %) input)
(vector? input)))
(def context "@context")
(def type-string "type")
(def id-uri "id")
(def to-uri "to")
(def actor "actor")
(def object "object")
; Specs for a like
(s/def context uri-string?)
(s/def type-string type-string?)
(s/def id-uri uri-string?)
(s/def to-uri uri-vector?)
(s/def actor uri-string?)
(s/def object uri-string?)
(s/def ::to uri-vector?)
(s/def ::object string?)
(s/def ::from uri-string?)
(def like? (s/keys :req-un [context
(def like-data? (s/keys :req-un [::object ::from]))
(def activity-streams-context "")
(def like-data
{:object "https://chatty.bla/ben/posts/234s23-2g34234-2hhj536"
:from "https://social.bla/alyssa"})
(defn generate-id-from-object [from]
(str from "out" "/" "sdfsd44243g324g3455"))
(defn-spec generate-like-map like?
[input-map like-data?]
(assoc {}
"@context" activity-streams-context
"id" (str (:from input-map) "#likes/" "RANDOMHASH")
"type" "Like"
"actor" (:from input-map)
"object" (:object input-map)))
(defn-spec write-json-ld string?
[input map?
filename string?]
(json/write-str :escape-slash false)
(#(spit filename %))))
; ToDo
; Prädikat das langString parsen/validieren kann, evtl auch für xsd:string
; Prädikat für Name und Person ausformulieren
;;(ins/inspect-tree team-ld)
;;(ins/inspect-tree team)
;(def xsd/string? string?)
;(defn rdf/langString? [value] (or (string? value)
; (regex mit @ )))
;(s/def ::activitystreams/name (s/or xsd/string?
; rdf/langString?))