Luccas Code

This commit is contained in:
Jan Krebs 2021-05-27 11:17:16 +02:00
parent ff38e1ca2d
commit 558653d698
2 changed files with 36 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -26,16 +26,37 @@
(def auth? (s/keys :req-un [::user-name ::user-password]))
(declare assoc-in-nested)
(declare assoc-in-nested-seq)
(declare assoc-in-nested-map)
(defn replace-values-in-map
[map keys value]
(defn assoc-in-nested-seq [s path n]
(map #(if (sequential? %)
(assoc-in-nested-seq % path n)
(assoc-in-nested-map % path n)) s))
(defn assoc-in-nested-map [m path n]
(into (empty m)
(let [p1 (first path)]
(for [[k v] m]
(if (= k p1)
[k (assoc-in-nested v (rest path) n)]
[k (assoc-in-nested v path n)])))))
(defn assoc-in-nested [data path n]
(if (empty? path)
(if (sequential? data)
(assoc-in-nested-seq data path n)
(if (map? data)
(assoc-in-nested-map data path n)
(defn generate-config [my-config my-auth]
(yaml/from-string (yaml/load-resource "config.yaml"))
(assoc-in [:data :config.edn] (str my-config))
(assoc-in [ :data :credentials.edn] (str my-auth))))
(assoc-in [:data :credentials.edn] (str my-auth))))
(defn generate-deployment [my-auth]
(let [{:keys [user-name user-password]} my-auth]
@ -55,11 +76,11 @@
(let [{:keys [fqdn issuer]
:or {issuer :staging}} config
letsencrypt-issuer (str "letsencrypt-" (name issuer) "-issuer")]
(yaml/from-string (yaml/load-resource "certificate.yaml"))
(assoc-in [:spec :commonName] fqdn)
(assoc-in [:spec :dnsNames] [fqdn])
(assoc-in [:spec :issuerRef :name] letsencrypt-issuer))))
(yaml/from-string (yaml/load-resource "certificate.yaml"))
(assoc-in [:spec :commonName] fqdn)
(assoc-in [:spec :dnsNames] [fqdn])
(assoc-in [:spec :issuerRef :name] letsencrypt-issuer))))
(defn generate-ingress [config]
(let [{:keys [fqdn issuer]
@ -80,8 +101,8 @@
(defn-spec generate any?
[my-config config?
my-auth auth?]
(cs/join "\n"
my-auth auth?]
(cs/join "\n"
[(yaml/to-string (generate-config my-config my-auth))
(yaml/to-string (generate-certificate my-config))

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@ -87,14 +87,15 @@
(deftest test-vector-replace-fqdn-function
(let [ingress-yaml (yaml/from-string (yaml/load-resource "ingress.yaml"))
fqdn "some_host"
desired-result (-> ingress-yaml
desired-result (-> ingress-yaml
(assoc-in [:spec :rules] [{:host fqdn
:http {:paths [{:backend {:serviceName "keycloak"
:servicePort 8080}}]}}
{:host fqdn
:http {:paths [{:backend {:serviceName "another_keycloak"
:servicePort 8081}}]}}]))]
(is (= desired-result (cut/replace-values-in-map ingress-yaml [:spec :rules :host] fqdn))))
:servicePort 8081}}]}}
(is (= desired-result (cut/assoc-in-nested ingress-yaml [:spec :rules :host] fqdn))))