Remove ingress_cert files
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 200 deletions
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
(ns dda.c4k-website.ingress-cert
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
#?(:cljs [shadow.resource :as rc])
#?(:clj [orchestra.core :refer [defn-spec]]
:cljs [orchestra.core :refer-macros [defn-spec]])
#?(:clj [clojure.edn :as edn]
:cljs [cljs.reader :as edn])
[dda.c4k-common.yaml :as yaml]
[dda.c4k-common.common :as cm]
[dda.c4k-common.predicate :as pred]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(s/def ::issuer pred/letsencrypt-issuer?)
(s/def ::service-name string?)
(s/def ::app-name string?)
(s/def ::ingress-name string?)
(s/def ::cert-name string?)
(s/def ::service-port pos-int?)
(s/def ::fqdns (s/coll-of pred/fqdn-string?))
(def ingress? (s/keys :req-un [::fqdns ::app-name ::ingress-name ::service-name ::service-port]
:opt-un [::issuer ::cert-name]))
(def certificate? (s/keys :req-un [::fqdns ::app-name ::cert-name]
:opt-un [::issuer]))
(defmethod yaml/load-resource :ingress [resource-name]
(case resource-name
"ingress/host-rule.yaml" (rc/inline "ingress/host-rule.yaml")
"ingress/certificate.yaml" (rc/inline "ingress/certificate.yaml")
"ingress/http-ingress.yaml" (rc/inline "ingress/http-ingress.yaml")
"ingress/https-ingress.yaml" (rc/inline "ingress/https-ingress.yaml")
(throw (js/Error. "Undefined Resource!")))))
(defn-spec generate-host-rule pred/map-or-seq?
[service-name ::service-name
service-port ::service-port
fqdn pred/fqdn-string?]
(yaml/load-as-edn "ingress/host-rule.yaml")
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "FQDN" fqdn)
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "SERVICE_PORT" service-port)
(cm/replace-all-matching-values-by-new-value "SERVICE_NAME" service-name)))
(defn-spec generate-http-ingress pred/map-or-seq?
[config ingress?]
(let [{:keys [ingress-name service-name service-port fqdns app-name]} config]
(yaml/load-as-edn "ingress/http-ingress.yaml")
(assoc-in [:metadata :name] ingress-name)
(assoc-in [:metadata :labels :app.kubernetes.part-of] app-name)
(assoc-in [:spec :rules] (mapv (partial generate-host-rule service-name service-port) fqdns)))))
(defn-spec generate-https-ingress pred/map-or-seq?
[config ingress?]
(let [{:keys [ingress-name cert-name service-name service-port fqdns app-name]} config]
(yaml/load-as-edn "ingress/https-ingress.yaml")
(assoc-in [:metadata :name] ingress-name)
(assoc-in [:metadata :labels :app.kubernetes.part-of] app-name)
(assoc-in [:spec :tls 0 :secretName] cert-name)
(assoc-in [:spec :tls 0 :hosts] fqdns)
(assoc-in [:spec :rules] (mapv (partial generate-host-rule service-name service-port) fqdns)))))
(defn-spec generate-certificate pred/map-or-seq?
[config certificate?]
(let [{:keys [cert-name issuer fqdns app-name]
:or {issuer "staging"}} config
letsencrypt-issuer (name issuer)]
(yaml/load-as-edn "ingress/certificate.yaml")
(assoc-in [:metadata :name] cert-name)
(assoc-in [:metadata :labels :app.kubernetes.part-of] app-name)
(assoc-in [:spec :secretName] cert-name)
(assoc-in [:spec :commonName] (first fqdns))
(assoc-in [:spec :dnsNames] fqdns)
(assoc-in [:spec :issuerRef :name] letsencrypt-issuer))))
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
(ns dda.c4k-website.ingress-cert-test
#?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [deftest is are testing run-tests]]
:cljs [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is are testing run-tests]])
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as st]
[dda.c4k-website.ingress-cert :as cut]))
(st/instrument `cut/generate-host-rule)
(st/instrument `cut/generate-http-ingress)
(st/instrument `cut/generate-https-ingress)
(st/instrument `cut/generate-certificate)
(deftest should-generate-rule
(is (= {:host "",
[{:pathType "Prefix",
:path "/",
{:service {:name "myservice", :port {:number 3000}}}}]}}
(cut/generate-host-rule "myservice" 3000 ""))))
(deftest should-generate-http-ingress
(is (= {:apiVersion "",
:kind "Ingress",
{:name "test-io-http-ingress",
:namespace "default",
:labels {:app.kubernetes.part-of "c4k-common-app"},
||||{:router.entrypoints "web",
:router.middlewares "default-redirect-https@kubernetescrd"}}}
(dissoc (cut/generate-http-ingress
{:issuer "prod"
:app-name "c4k-common-app"
:service-name "myservice"
:service-port 3000
:ingress-name "test-io-http-ingress"
:fqdns ["" "" "" ""]}) :spec)))
(is (= {:rules
[{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "myservice", :port {:number 3000}}}}]}}
{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "myservice", :port {:number 3000}}}}]}}
{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "myservice", :port {:number 3000}}}}]}}
{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "myservice", :port {:number 3000}}}}]}}]}
(:spec (cut/generate-http-ingress
{:issuer "prod"
:service-name "myservice"
:app-name "c4k-common-app"
:service-port 3000
:ingress-name "test-io-http-ingress"
:fqdns ["" "" "" ""]})))))
(deftest should-generate-https-ingress
(is (= {:apiVersion "",
:kind "Ingress",
{:name "test-io-https-ingress",
:namespace "default",
:labels {:app.kubernetes.part-of "c4k-common-app"},
:annotations{:router.entrypoints "websecure", :router.tls "true"}}}
(dissoc (cut/generate-https-ingress
{:issuer "prod"
:service-name "test-io-service"
:app-name "c4k-common-app"
:service-port 80
:ingress-name "test-io-https-ingress"
:fqdns ["" "" "" ""]}) :spec)))
(is (= {:tls
["" "" "" ""],
:secretName "test-io-cert"}]
[{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "test-io-service", :port {:number 80}}}}]}}
{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "test-io-service", :port {:number 80}}}}]}}
{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "test-io-service", :port {:number 80}}}}]}}
{:host "",
{:paths [{:pathType "Prefix", :path "/", :backend {:service {:name "test-io-service", :port {:number 80}}}}]}}]}
(:spec (cut/generate-https-ingress {:issuer "prod"
:app-name "c4k-common-app"
:service-name "test-io-service"
:service-port 80
:ingress-name "test-io-https-ingress"
:cert-name "test-io-cert"
:fqdns ["" "" "" ""]})))))
(deftest should-generate-certificate
(is (= {:apiVersion "",
:kind "Certificate",
:metadata {
:name "test-io-cert",
:namespace "default",
:labels {:app.kubernetes.part-of "c4k-common-app"},
{:secretName "test-io-cert",
:commonName "",
:duration "2160h",
:renewBefore "360h",
:dnsNames ["" "" "" ""],
:issuerRef {:name "prod", :kind "ClusterIssuer"}}}
(cut/generate-certificate {:fqdns ["" "" "" ""]
:app-name "c4k-common-app"
:cert-name "test-io-cert"
:issuer "prod"}))))
Reference in a new issue