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# GitOps for Websites
Actor a as Website Author
participant j as Job triggerd by Cron
participant f as Forgejo Instance
participant g as Your Git Repo for Website
a ->> g: commit & push some new content
j ->> f: check repo hash for new commits
activate j
f ->> g: get lates commit hash
f -->> j:
j ->> f: download repo
j ->> j: generate.sh
j ->> j: cp /target/html to website
deactivate j
# Runtime view
For the example configuration
issuer: "staging"
- unique-name: "test.io"
fqdns: ["test.de", "test.org", "www.test.de", "www.test.org"]
forgejo-host: "codeberg.org"
forgejo-repo: "repo"
branchname: "main"
- unique-name: "example.io"
fqdns: ["example.org", "www.example.com"]
forgejo-host: "fineForgejoHost.net"
forgejo-repo: "repo"
branchname: "main"
grafana-cloud-url: "url-for-your-prom-remote-write-endpoint"
cluster-name: "website"
cluster-stage: "test"
the website runtime looks like:
title c4k-webserver
Boundary(k8s, "cluster") {
Boundary(test_io, "namespace test-io"){
System(website_ingt, "ingress f. test.de")
Boundary(test_de_srv_t, "webserver") {
System(wst, "webserver")
SystemDb(file_htmlt, "static html")
Rel(wst, file_htmlt, "file ro")
Boundary(aab, "cron generate website") {
System(git_clonet, "git clone/pull & generate.sh & copy to static html")
SystemDb(file_gitt, "git repo for test.io")
Rel(git_clonet, file_gitt, "file rw")
Rel(file_gitt, file_htmlt, "file rw")
Rel(website_ingt, wst, "http")
Boundary(example_io, "namespace example-io"){
System(website_inge, "ingress f. example.org")
Boundary(test_de_srv_e, "webserver") {
System(wse, "webserver")
SystemDb(file_htmle, "static html")
Rel(wse, file_htmle, "file ro")
Boundary(aeb, "cron generate website") {
System(git_clonee, "git clone/pull & generate.sh & copy to static html")
SystemDb(file_gite, "git repo for example.io")
Rel(git_clonee, file_gite, "file rw")
Rel(file_gite, file_htmle, "file rw")
Rel(website_inge, wse, "http")