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data-test separates test data from test code and allows a more data driven approach for testing. In case of having huge amounts of test-input & -expectations your test code will remain readable and concise. data-test is founded on and compatible with clojure.test
. Integration in your test environments will work without any changes. For explicit, intentful and obvious data, data-test uses aero.
Import data-test to your project
[dda/data-test "0.1.1"]
Define your data test similar to deftest
and express your test e.g. with is
macro. The given binding [input expected]
will let symbols which can be used in your test code.
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[data-test :refer :all]))
(defdatatest should-test-multiple-specs [input expected]
(is (= input expected)))
Your test data are loaded as resource and therefore data has to be located in classpath. The path is determined by your tests namespace and your tests definition name. In given case it is my/cool/project_test/should_test_multiple_spec.edn
{:input 1
:expected 1}
The keys :input
and :expected
are fixed, the values can be anything you need. You can have up to 11 data specifications for each test. my/cool/project_test/should_test_multiple_spec.[1-9].edn
is a valid resource-location also.
Test can be executed by using (clojure.test/run-tests)
and will produce the usual test-output like:
Running namespace tests…
FAIL in: project_test.clj: 35: should-test-multiple-specs: project_test/should_test_multiple_specs.1.edn:
expected: 1
actual: (2)
4 tests finished, problems found. 😭 errors: 0, failures: 1, ns: 1, vars: 3
The test data resource used will determine the testing context.
As we are eating our own dog-food, we refactored our test and are using data-test. An example for refactoring you can find in our dda-serverspec.
Loading Resources
data-test tries to locate data files on classpath as resource - should work similar in jar-files and in filesystem classpaths. The resource locations are determined by test namespace (e.g. my/cool/project_test
) and defined test name (e.g. should_test_multiple_spec.edn
). Resource-naming is following clojures usual filesystem mapping conventions.
A test is executed for every file defined.
defdatatest name [binding-for-input binding-for-expected]
is translated in sth. like:
(deftest should-test-with-data-explicit-version
(let [testdata (loader/read-test-data-spec (io/resource "data_test_test/should_test_with_data_explicit_version.edn"))
{:keys [input expected]} testdata]
(is (= expected
As you can see, input and expected can be used in your test code. You have to declare the used symbols in the binding section.
Resources with AERO
You can use aero in your test data declaration, e.g.
{:references {:to-be-refernced "ref-test"}
:input #ref [:references :to-be-refernced]
:expected #ref [:references :to-be-refernced]}
Adding Meta
You can add some metadata to your data files, e.g.
{:input some-data
:expected some-data
:meta {:name "name of data"
:description "describe what testcase is represented by this piec of data"
:link "https://add-some-link-here"}}
Generated Output
Each data-test execution will report it's results to "target/datatest/". The key :test-event
reflect clojure.test reporting events, the key :test-data-spec
reflects the used data-test data specification.
(def TestDataReport
{:test-event s/Any
:test-data-spec {:input s/Any
:expected s/Any
:data-spec-file s/Str}})
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