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Congratulations, your Luminus site is ready!

This page will help guide you through the first steps of building your site.

Why are you seeing this page?

The home-routes handler in the masto-embed.routes.home namespace defines the route that invokes the home-page function whenever an HTTP request is made to the / URI using the GET method.

(defroutes home-routes
  (GET "/" []
  (GET "/docs" []
       (-> (response/ok (-> "docs/docs.md" io/resource slurp))
           (response/header "Content-Type" "text/plain; charset=utf-8"))))

The home-page function will in turn call the masto-embed.layout/render function to render the HTML content:

(defn home-page []
  (layout/render "home.html"))

The page contains a link to the compiled ClojureScript found in the target/cljsbuild/public folder:

{% script "/js/app.js" %}

The rest of this page is rendered by ClojureScript found in the src/cljs/masto_embed/core.cljs file.

Organizing the routes

The routes are aggregated and wrapped with middleware in the masto-embed.handler namespace:

(defstate app
      (-> #'home-routes
          (wrap-routes middleware/wrap-csrf)
          (wrap-routes middleware/wrap-formats))
          (error-page {:status 404
                       :title "page not found"}))))))

The app definition groups all the routes in the application into a single handler. A default route group is added to handle the 404 case.

learn more about routing »

The home-routes are wrapped with two middleware functions. The first enables CSRF protection. The second takes care of serializing and deserializing various encoding formats, such as JSON.

Managing your middleware

Request middleware functions are located under the masto-embed.middleware namespace.

This namespace is reserved for any custom middleware for the application. Some default middleware is already defined here. The middleware is assembled in the wrap-base function.

Middleware used for development is placed in the masto-embed.dev-middleware namespace found in the env/dev/clj/ source path.

learn more about middleware »

Need some help?

Visit the official documentation for examples on how to accomplish common tasks with Luminus. The #luminus channel on the Clojurians Slack and Google Group are both great places to seek help and discuss projects with other users.