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# Bounded Contexts
package "configuration" {
package "desktop" {
package "server" {
server ..> configuration
desktop ..> configuration
using ..> used
# DDD in Provs
package application {
class Application
package domain {
class Service {
cleanup (): means remove parts (install & configuration) to enable e.g. re-provision in some cases, results in an error otherwise.
provision (): means install & configure.
install (): install packages, files but not configuration files. Fire & forget (re-) installation is possible.
configure (): install and apply configuration.
class Domain
Application ..> Service
Application ..> Domain
package infrastructure {
class Repository
class Prov {
create<type>(): create a new item - might also have a parameter like: skipIfExisting
delete<type>(): delete an item - might also have a parameter like: failIfNotExisting
check<type>(): check if an item exists (returns true resp. false)
check<type>Content(): check content of item (returns true resp. false), e.g. checkFileContent
check<type>Runs(): check if container/service is running (returns true resp. false)
start<type>(): start e.g. a container (or a service)
stop<type>(): stop a container/service
remove<type>(): remove e.g. a container or image
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ()
Remark1: types can be e.g.: "file", "dir", "user", "container" (depending on the command)
Remark2: References to external software (or modules) should generally follow the external naming conventions.
(E.g. for kubectl commands the verbs might include: apply, delete, get, describe, etc)
Service ..> Domain
Service ..> Service
Service ..> Repository
Service ..> Provs
using ..> used