
905 B

Go / forgejo Installation and Testing

go install/update

remove old version

sudo rm -rf ~/go

download latest version and configure

curl -OL$(curl '').linux-amd64.tar.gz

extract latest version to ~/go tar -C ~ -xzf go*.linux-amd64.tar.gz

APPEND='export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin'

echo $APPEND >> $HOME/.profile

VScode optional - TODO!?!

Go extension autoinstall
install gpls, div, etc.

Testing forgejo

full: make test

require node: make test-frontend

require go: make test-backend

#nvm - required to build forgejo frontend sudo apt remove nodejs sudo apt autoremove

adapt version to latest: curl o | bash nvm install

optional: nvm alias default "latest"

forgejo build

TAGS="bindata" make build -> include make frontend & make backend //see details Makefile