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# generated by
page_title: "gitea_repository Resource - terraform-provider-gitea"
subcategory: ""
description: |-
Handling Repository resources
# gitea_repository (Resource)
Handling Repository resources
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
## Schema
### Required
- `name` (String)
- `username` (String)
### Optional
- `allow_manual_merge` (Boolean)
- `allow_merge_commits` (Boolean)
- `allow_rebase` (Boolean)
- `allow_rebase_explicit` (Boolean)
- `allow_squash_merge` (Boolean)
- `archived` (Boolean)
- `auto_init` (Boolean)
- `autodetect_manual_merge` (Boolean)
- `default_branch` (String)
- `description` (String)
- `gitignores` (String)
- `has_issues` (Boolean)
- `has_projects` (Boolean)
- `has_pull_requests` (Boolean)
- `has_wiki` (Boolean)
- `ignore_whitespace_conflicts` (Boolean)
- `issue_labels` (String)
- `license` (String)
- `private` (Boolean)
- `readme` (String)
- `repo_template` (Boolean)
- `website` (String)
### Read-Only
- `created` (String)
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
- `permission_admin` (Boolean)
- `permission_pull` (Boolean)
- `permission_push` (Boolean)
- `updated` (String)