Malar Invention 00ebcd295e add vendor
2022-04-03 09:37:16 +05:30

21 lines
625 B

## 1.1.2
* Fix error when decode hook decodes interface implementation into interface
type. [GH-140]
## 1.1.1
* Fix panic that can happen in `decodePtr`
## 1.1.0
* Added `StringToIPHookFunc` to convert `string` to `net.IP` and `net.IPNet` [GH-133]
* Support struct to struct decoding [GH-137]
* If source map value is nil, then destination map value is nil (instead of empty)
* If source slice value is nil, then destination slice value is nil (instead of empty)
* If source pointer is nil, then destination pointer is set to nil (instead of
allocated zero value of type)
## 1.0.0
* Initial tagged stable release.