2022-12-27 08:50:48 +01:00

1.4 KiB


Infrastructure on Hetzner / Aws

For a setup on hetzner / aws we use terraform.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "backup" {
  bucket = "backup"
  acl    = "private"

  versioning {
    enabled = false
  tags = {
    name        = "backup"
    Description = "bucket for backups in stage: ${var.stage}"

resource "hcloud_server" "jitsi_09_2021" {
  name        = "the name"
  image       = "ubuntu-20.04"
  server_type = "cx31"
  location    = "fsn1"
  ssh_keys    = ...

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes        = [ssh_keys]

resource "aws_route53_record" "v4_neu" {
  zone_id = the_dns_zone
  name    = "jitsi-neu"
  type    = "A"
  ttl     = "300"
  records = [hcloud_server.jitsi_09_2021.ipv4_address]

output "ipv4" {
  value = hcloud_server.jitsi_09_2021.ipv4_address

k8s minicluster

For k8s installation we use our provs with the following configuation:

{:user :k8s
 :k8s {:external-ip "ip-from-above"}
 :cert-manager :letsencrypt-prod-issuer
 :persistent-dirs ["postgres"]

kubectl apply c4k-jitsi

The last step for applying the jitsi deployment is

c4k-jitsi config.edn auth.edn | kubectl apply -f -

with the following config.edn:

{:fqdn "the-fqdn-from aws_route53_record.v4_neu"
 :postgres-data-volume-path "/var/postgres"         ;; Volume was configured at dda-k8s-crate, results in a PersistentVolume definition.
 :issuer "prod" }