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convention 4 kubernetes: c4k-taiga
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Configuration Issues
https://github.com/kaleidos-ventures/taiga-docker https://community.taiga.io/t/taiga-30min-setup/170
Note: taiga-manage,-back und -async verwenden die gleichen docker images mit unterschiedlichen entry-points.
Terminiert am ingress. Wie interagiert das mit taiga? Eventuell wird dies hier relevant: https://github.com/kaleidos-ventures/taiga-docker#session-cookies-in-django-admin
Docker Compose (DC) -> Kubernetes
We implemented a deployment and service in kubernetes for each DC Service. Configmaps and secrets were implemented, to avoid redundancy and readability also to increase security a bit. For all volumes described in DC we implemented PVCs and volume refs.
A config.py (used for taiga-back ) was introduced for reference. A config.json (used for taiga-front ) was introduced for reference. NB: It might be necessary to actually map both from a config map to their respective locations in taiga-back and taiga-front. Description for that is here. A mix of both env-vars and config.py in one container is not possible.
We currently assume, that it will work without explicitly defining a startup order.
DC Networking
The hostname
KW sets the hostname of a container.
It should have no effect on the discoverability of the container in kubernetes.
The networks
KW defines the networks that service containers are attached to, referencing entries under the top-level networks key.
This should be taken care of by our kubernetes installation.
Pod to Pod Possible Communications
Taiga containers that need to reach other taiga containers: taiga-async -> taiga-async-rabbitmq taiga-events -> taiga-events-rabbitmq This is not quite clear, but probably solved with the implementation of services.
Init container
Es gibt einen Init-Container mit namen taiga-manage im deployment. Dieser erstellt einen Admin User mit credentials aus dem taiga-back-secret.
Einen admin-user anlegen
Also DJANGO_SUPERUSER_TAIGAADMIN und DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD sollten für den Container gesetzt sein.
Dann noch ein run befehl mit: python manage.py createsuperuser im init container unterbringen.
Separate deployments exist for each of the taiga modules:
Taiga-back reads many values in config.py from env vars as can be seen in the taiga-back config.py. These are read from configmaps and secrets in the deployment.
Try out
You need:
- and a kubernetes cluster provisioned by provs
Let c4k-taiga generate your .yaml file.
Apply this file on your cluster with kubectl apply -f yourApp.yaml
resource requests and limits
You may want to adjust the resource requests and limits of the build and init containers to your specific scenario.
Development & mirrors
Development happens at: https://repo.prod.meissa.de/meissa/c4k-taiga
Mirrors are:
- https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/c4k-taiga (issues and PR, CI)
- https://github.com/DomainDrivenArchitecture/c4k-taiga
For more details about our repository model see: https://repo.prod.meissa.de/meissa/federate-your-repos
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