4 KiB
convention 4 kubernetes: c4k-taiga
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Note: taiga-manage,-back und -async verwenden die gleichen docker images mit unterschiedlichen entry-points.
Terminiert am ingress. Wie interagiert das mit taiga? Eventuell wird dies hier relevant: https://github.com/kaleidos-ventures/taiga-docker#session-cookies-in-django-admin
Docker Compose -> Kubernetes
Wir müssen die compose-yamls nach kubernetes resources übersetzen.
Überlegung: yaml anchors funktionieren auch für kubernetes. Das könnten wir evtl zu unserem Vorteil nutzen.
Für das init deployment
Reicht ein init-container im deployment?
- taiga-manage
Einen admin-user anlegen: https://github.com/kaleidos-ventures/taiga-docker#configure-an-admin-user
Also DJANGO_SUPERUSER_TAIGAADMIN und DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD sollten für den Container gesetzt sein.
Dann noch ein run befehl mit: python manage.py createsuperuser im init container unterbringen.
Taiga reads many values in config.py from env vars as can be seen in the taiga-back config.py.
Mounting a configmap with a config.py as described here: https://docs.taiga.io/setup-production.html could be interesting. A mix of both env-vars and config.py in one container is not possible.
An example for a config.py is given here: https://github.com/kaleidos-ventures/taiga-back/blob/main/settings/config.py.prod.example
- taiga-db
- Postgres
- taiga-back
- taiga-async
- taiga-async-rabbitmq
- taiga-front
- taiga-events
- taiga-events-rabbitmq
- taiga-protected
- taiga-gateway
- Nginx???
- ersetzen durch metallb und ingresse
Volume Mounts
- taiga-static-data:
- taiga-media-data:
- taiga-db-data:
- taiga-async-rabbitmq-data:
- taiga-events-rabbitmq-data:
- admin user?
- secret-key
- db
- rabbit-mq
We need to know what the "hostname" KW does in docker compose. Then need to find a translation for this functionality to kubernetes.
How do we direct traffic towards the frontend pod? Do we need to touch the frontend config regarding the address of the API?
Try out
You need:
- and a kubernetes cluster provisioned by provs
Let c4k-taiga generate your .yaml file.
Apply this file on your cluster with kubectl apply -f yourApp.yaml
resource requests and limits
You may want to adjust the resource requests and limits of the build and init containers to your specific scenario.
Development & mirrors
Development happens at: https://repo.prod.meissa.de/meissa/c4k-taiga
Mirrors are:
- https://gitlab.com/domaindrivenarchitecture/c4k-taiga (issues and PR, CI)
- https://github.com/DomainDrivenArchitecture/c4k-taiga
For more details about our repository model see: https://repo.prod.meissa.de/meissa/federate-your-repos
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